Travels in a Blue Chair: Alaska to Zambia, Ushuaia to Uluru

A disabled adventurer backpacks the world - alone!! This book makes a great holiday gift or corporate prize! See my TV interviews...

Monday, December 29, 2008

David Onley - also appearing in March?

It looks like the date for my speaking appearance in Hamilton is starting to firm up for the end of March.

The organiser of the event is planning to include another speaker, also disabled, who will speak of the importance of a great personal support worker....very valuable if you must rely on another person to assist you with the daily tasks we all must complete.

Kathleen also mentioned that she was hoping to invite David Onley, Ontario's Lieutenant Governor, to speak at the event. Mr. Onley is a former broadcaster (weatherman, science reporter, news reader), who happens to use a scooter or cane in his daily routine. I sure hope he does attend, but I know he is very busy, and I advised that he be invited as soon as possible.

The event is really coming together and I am looking forward to speaking there!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Holidays from Walt !!

To all my family, friends and those who have supported me and enjoyed the book "Travels in a Blue Chair", over this past year.....please have a Happy Holiday, and I hope you enjoy a safe, enthusiastic and interesting 2009!

Peace on Earth, and lots of travel, so we can all get to know each other better!


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Facebook - disabled community

One of the great things about Facebook is the active disabled community on the website. I have recently met quite a few members with disabilities who have become aware of my book, Travels in a Blue Chair.

I have met a photographer from Sweden, a singer/composer from the UK who lives in the States, as well as many more from all over the world.

The power of the internet to reach out across the miles never ceases to amaze me!! And I find that these new friends are spreading the word out to their friends too!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Speaking engagement.

My speaking engagement with the Haldimand Abilities Centre has tentatively been scheduled for sometime in March. We are still trying to nail down the exact date.

As it stands now, there will likely be another speaker as well. I am really looking forward to getting out to the Hamilton area again, and hoping to entertain with some of the stories from my book.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Access Anything magazine! Paraplegic Association.

I just received some copies of the Canadian Paraplegic Association's autumn issue of Access Anything magazine!!

Dave and the gang at CPA reprinted an abridged version of my story "Up the Human Elevator, in Tokyo", which you can read in its entirety on my website.

The article appears on page 11 and includes 3 full colour photos as well and some info on how to acquire a copy of the book! It looks really great and I am sure will generate lots of interest.

Many thanks to all the hardworking staff at CPA and I am still interested in joining you guys to help work on your access project in Guyana!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Hour - CBC

Well, a bit of discouraging news from the interview program The Hour, on CBC. I had forwarded my info to Liz over there and then she forwarded it on to Lisa, the segment producer of the program.

Unfortunately, they said that I don't meet their needs. I had included in my introductory email, a link to the online text interview I did with the CBC website back in the Spring, which had one of the best responses ever.

Oh well, I informed Lisa that I am still available on short notice if they ever have a cancellation!! You just never know!!??

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A surprise bit of feedback!

I was at a meeting of my local park group last night and arrived early for the meeting. One of the ladies in attendance, Barbara, had me sign a book for her in the summertime, during one of the street events I had been at.

Barbara had just returned from a visit to Thailand and told me she had been enjoying Travels in a Blue Chair whilst on her vacation to that country!! Just as she was enjoying a meal at the hotel in Bangkok, she turned the page and was surprised to find the next story was about my visit to that very city!

It is always great to hear from people who are enjoying my collection of funny, short stories!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Chapters book signing.

I just spoke with K.Z., the manager of the local Chapters bookshop on the Queensway. KZ remembered me!! I asked about a possible book signing and she mentioned that they didn't do any in December due to the volume of traffic over the holidays.

That being said, she indicated that she would love to have me out in January and asked that I follow up with her early next month!! She said she loved reading "Travels in a Blue Chair" and looked forward to having me visit her store for the book signing.

Yay!! Such great, positive energy!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Book Clubs.

I received an email from a local group which has invited authors to recite from their books and then have a discussion afterwards. Unfortunately, I am too late for this round but I have written back and indicated that I am available to speak at a later date.

I am going to try to locate some other book clubs and see if they would be interested too?! Hey, this could be a great way to reach out at a grass roots level.

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Rotarian magazine - Rotary International - Polio

I have learned a bit more info from my friends at the Welland Rotary club, who are assisting me in the hope of appearing in an article in The Rotarian, which is Rotary International's worldwide magazine.

The district council would like to interview me about Travels in a Blue Chair, and then submit the interview along with some photos from my trips.

Hopefully we can conduct the interview in the next few weeks and have some feedback shortly!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ask your library to get this book!!

I just found out that my local library has ordered 5 copies of Travels in a Blue Chair. The book has not arrived yet, but 3 of the copies are on hold already!! I am hoping that many more libraries will also get interested in acquiring my book too!

You can help! Even if you already have a copy, why not contact your local library and asking it to get the book for their section on disability?!

My next task is to try to ask a librarian to review the book for a librarian magazine and then librarians all over will become more aware!

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Hour on CBC - George Stroumboulopoulis

I left a voice mail with Liz, the segment producer for the popular program The Hour on CBC. This is a follow up to the email that I sent out just over a week ago. I am hoping to interest Liz and George into doing an interview with me about the the book "Travels in a Blue Chair".

Recently they had Super Dave Osborne on the program! Heck, I can't fly out of an imaginary cannon, but have travelled a fair bit in my time too! I think that the viewers would really enjoy listening to some of my adventures and stories.

Let's hope that I hear back from the gang at CBC!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Out of Mongolia.

I received an email on the weekend from Gregory, who has a blog about accessible design, and was teaching it in Mongolia!

Greg, an Australian, has now completed his work in that country and has relocated to the UK. He was asking if I had any pointers about publishing some of his findings or how he could continue his work by making some contacts.

Sadly, I know very little about universal design formally, except for the fact that I use it, and it is great that people (including the disabled) are advocating for it. It will certainly make tourism a lot easier!

Cheers to Greg, Scott of the Scott Rains report, and all working in this new industry, for all their continued efforts!

You just never know who you'll meet by writing this book or publishing this blog!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Disability Studies

One of the great things in education these days is the relatively new program available at universities called "Disability Studies" !! The type of program didn't exist in the old days and is great for both disabled and average students who aim to work with the disabled in their working future.

I have noticed quite a bit of traffic to my website recently from educational institutions and am hoping that the book "Travels in a Blue Chair" is generating some enthusiasm on campus!

It would be great if the book could be adopted as required reading material in one of the academic programs. Hey, then I would be back in university! Hopefully, some professors and students will find that this book has some value in showing how disabled are able to get out and interact in the big, blue world!

Sunday, November 9, 2008 up to 12th place in sales rank !!

One of the greatest ways these days to get hold of a book on the internet is through the online retailer Amazon. In addition to Amazon, most of the book stores themselves have online shops where you can search for the name of a book or an author to find and buy a book.

I try to keep track of where Travels in a Blue Chair is doing in relation to some other books about the disabled. I just noticed that the book has recently "skyrocketed" up to 475,672 nd place in overall ranking!!

I know that doesn't seem to impressive, but when you think about it, there are lots of books that have been printed over the years. Not too long ago this book was well past 1,800,000 th place.

So this book must be making some inroads into the public awareness! I am also happy that the book is up to 12th place in the sub-category Book/Travel/Specialty Travel/Special Needs !! YAY!

UPDATE: Oops back to 1.89 millionth place! lol

Tuesday, November 4, 2008 and the US election

I have been trying to interest in doing a human interest piece on my travels around the world in my blue chair. Still early to hope for some feedback but I forwarded some background information and my bio to the City Desk, the Weekend Edition and Specials Section. Here's hoping for some contact ;-)

Now that today marks the end of the U.S. election, I am hoping to receive some publicity in the U.S. I will be ramping up the media blurbs to outlets across the country in the hopes of reaching a friendly editor.

There are many disabled, friends and families, and average people who still haven't heard of Travels in a Blue Chair !!?? My job is to keep spreading the word.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Steve Pakin TVO - still no response?

Still no luck getting any feedback at TVO. I have forwarded them an email with my info and a background on my book of travel stories. I know the viewers would be tremendously interested.

Steve Pakin is one of the premier interviewers on public television and his program The Agenda, hits on important topics in today's society.

In addition to my email, I created a topic about my book on their discussion forum, however it has elicited no response.

Interestingly, on the website of the show, they list topics to discuss, many of which are minority related...aboriginal etc.

However, a topic about minority issues related to the disabled is not present? Maybe I can help change things!!?? I'll keep trying and we'll see!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Some great feedback !!

I received a note from a friend I had fallen out of touch with from my past wheelchair basketball days...

"Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading your book, "Travels in a Blue Chair". My daughter saw it at university and bought it for me without knowing that I played ball with you. At first I read the title, then the author, and thought to myself your name sounded familiar. It didn't take long before I knew it was you especially when I saw your photo on the back cover!"

I have also heard again from the Doctor in France (who spends lots of time in the Middle East). He has motivated some other doctors to read Travels in a Blue Chair too!!

"As you asked me in your last mail, 3 of my friends M.D have read your book(also specialist in rehab),I can tell you they really appreciate the spontaneity of the "hero",a kind of style they are not used with their "regular" patients. 2 of them asked me why you are sitting with your braces, because they had the impression that you are living on a wheelchair only?....Medical staff that think that your book is great not only because of the content, but because of a fabulous impact it can do on other disabled."

Thanks to all for the wonderful feedback and encouragement!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Some pics of my trip to Lincoln Centennial School !!

Mr. Lemon has forwarded on some pics of my visit a few weeks ago. Thanks again to the students for making me feel so welcome! Also, thanks for letting us all act goofy in the first

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A year in the life of the bloggiary !!

I can't believe it has now been a year since I began this blog. So much water has passed under my blue chair!

The book has been read worldwide. The feedback has been incredible. I have met so many supportive and enthusiastic people. I really hope that this blog has been useful to those that follow my adventures, both inside the book and of trying to spread the word that the book exists.

There is no point writing a book if no one knows it exists.

I have had some down points over the last year, but not many. For the most part, I have been touched by the letters and comments from people who have read Travels in a Blue Chair, and enjoyed the stories. Many people have told me they laughed out loud! Others have said that they wondered how I was able to get out of some of the tricky situations I was in, even when I couldn't speak the language?

The main thing from my point of view is that I hopefully showed that no matter what your personal circumstance, we are all on this planet together and that means helping each other along!

So hats off to all those who have read the adventures over the last year!! It is YOU who make it all worthwhile. Cheers and Thanks!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Haldimand Abilities Centre

I have been contacted by Katherine of the Haldimand Abilities Centre. Katharine saw me on the recent telecast of the Niagara Express TV program, which I was on last week.

Katharine is hoping to have me out to speak to her group and possibly some Rotary Club members as well!

Hey, I guess this TV thingy really does reach through space to spread the word!! Every little bit helps.

I am really looking forward to speaking to the her group.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My first royalty donation to Rotary International - The Rotarian

On Tuesday, I had the pleasure of making a presentation to the Rotary Club of Welland. I was introduced by a great friend of mine, Mr. Brown, who is an honourary member and former President of the Club. His daughter Alison, is a third generation Rotarian.

I was treated to a delicious meal, and then I spoke about my book and about the wonderful work that Rotary is doing to eradicate polio in the last 4 countries that have it.

I then presented the club with some money to be forwarded on to Rotary International's polio program. The money was earned through sales of Travels in a Blue Chair.

I then had the opportunity to sign a number of books to some interested members, who had great comments and questions.

Thanks to all and hopefully after a year, we get the word out to all Rotarians in Rotarian Magazine!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The latest TV interview - Niagara Express, CHCH, E!

Many thanks to Rachel and Dan at CHCH in Hamilton who hosted me on the weekend for a taping of the program, Niagara Express.

Rachel was very hospitable and professional in booking me on the show and Dan was quite interested and put me at ease by engaging me in conversation about my book "Travels in a Blue Chair", prior to the actual interview.

Here is the interview....

Hopefully, it will help spread the word and the positive energy will continue to flow!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lincoln Centennial School - Mr. Lemon's Gr 5/6 class!!

This morning I had the pleasure of speaking in front of Mr. Lemon's Gr. 5/6 class at Lincoln Centennial Public School in St. Catharines. I also brought some trinkets from some of my trips, including a boomerang from Australia.

They had read the story from my book about my trip to New York City, and had lots of questions about me, the book and some of the reasons why I wrote the book!!

Here are some of the questions....

Can you move your legs? Yes, but only the right one.
Why did you want to write the book? All my friends enjoyed my stories over the years.
How many countries did you visit? 28
Do you like being famous? ha ha ha
Are you rich? Um, nope, still working!
Where was your favourite part of the world? Oh, Africa because of all the animals!!
Why did you start a sentence with "because"? Ooops, they also found a mistake in my sentence structure! Those sharp eyed students!
Where do I live and do I live alone? Boy, they really tried to catch me off guard!

Anyway, I hope they enjoyed my visit as much as I did. The students all made me feel famous and like a celebrity when they lined up to get my autograph!

Thanks to the whole class and Mr. Lemon. Don't forget to email me the picture of us all.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ch 11 this Saturday 7 am., and Sunday 6.30 pm.

Just a reminder that I will be appearing on this weekend's episode of Niagara Express, which first airs on Saturday morning at 7 am., and then again, the next evening, Sunday, after the news, starting at 6.30 pm.

I am hoping this interview will be a bit longer than some of the others and we can really get into a discussion about my adventures and some of the reactions from people all over the world.

Read this blog again next week for a complete update!! Thanks to Rachel at CHCH 11 !!

Monday, October 6, 2008

October issue of "Total Access", CPA !!

I have learned that the abridged story from my book will be appearing in the CPA's magazine, "Total Access".

I am really hoping that this piece of publicity will serve to reach out to fellow paraplegics. I am not certain whether it will be included in the online edition, but I will follow up on that.

Many thanks to Dave and all the folks at CPA for all their efforts and great work!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The dusty old Blue Chair is put out to pasture ;-(

My old blue chair has been around the world 4 times, been to every habitable continent on earth, had more flat tires than I care to remember, carried so many kids on my lap for rides around the block, and tipped over so many times that I have been black and blue with broken bones included!

But, through it all was the sense of comfort and a good feeling that you probably get when you are home at sitting in your favourite chair.

My chair is the chair I wear.

Sadly, the front left wheel is falling off and the frame has been damaged beyond I have finally transitioned into another, of course!!

It has been very traumatic for me and a pain in the neck (literally, as well as the bum), but the deed is done. I haven't decided what to do with it. It is folded up in a corner of my flat just now, but I hope I can find a use for it.

Cheers to my old friend ....the Blue Chair! You were a great companion, and a toast to the new Blue the travels and adventures yet to come!!

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Reach Out !! - the online magazine article.

I was really happy to see that my article in the online magazine for the disabled called "Reach Out" has appeared!! Here is the link...

Please scroll down,...
and click on the link for Sept.-Dec. 2008,
and then scroll over to page 11.

Many thanks to Jim at the magazine for all his efforts to keep awareness of disabled issues alive! And congrats to all the other friends I have made along the way in this project, who are striving to do the same.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Barack Obama and John McCain need my book too!

Ever since I signed a copy for the Michael Ignatieff, the bigwig in the Liberal Party, I have been thinking that signing a copy of "Travels in a Blue Chair", for both U.S. Presidential candidates would be a great idea too!

Hey if a guy in a wheelchair can adventure alone across the world, and have enough funny and heartwarming experiences for over 55 funny short stories, must have some benefit and insight into how the world sees other people and what people want out of life!

Everyone helped me along the way, maybe I can help a little too!??

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ah to be in Fajara, Gambia in the Spring! Lonely Planet.

I just received an email from Adam in the UK, who is a tourism student with Cerebral Palsy, uses an electric chair, and is soon to be off to the Gambia in West Africa in March, to study and investigate things out there!!

Adam found out about myself and the book, from the article published a long time ago on the Lonely Planet website. He has lots of questions about my travels to Africa, and I hope I can offer him some useful info and guidance as he gears up for his big trip with his fellow students! He has already visited New Zealand on a Fellowship, so I am sure he knows the ropes already.

Way to go Adam! Keep travelling and showing what we can do!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

MacLean's Magazine !!

When I was outside on the weekend promoting my book, there was a photographer nearby taking photographs of the politicians in attendance. I asked if she was working for the candidate and she replied that she was employed by MacLean's Magazine!

I quickly gave her one of my cards and asked her to pass it along to one of the writers or editors. In addition, I followed up with an e-mail to the editor, informing them of the existence of my book "Travels in a Blue Chair" and the fact that I would love to be interviewed, if they were interested.

Hey, you never know who will read the info and maybe even get back to me? Here's hoping!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Michael Ignatieff - does a future PM own my book?

I have just returned from the Shop the Shore event today along the Lakeshore, here in the west end. It was such a great day! Hats off to all the volunteers at the event. I barged in armed with my book and the hand painted sign the girls made for me (the one on this blog banner), and they quickly found a table for me. I was situated just beside the box for submitting ballots for the prize draw, so there was lots of traffic.

Many people who volunteered asked me to sign a copy and lots of passersby did as well. Two of the candidates in the Federal Election stopped by. Patrick Boyer of the Conservatives, our former MP, and Michael Ignatieff, the current Liberal incumbent, both asked me to sign copies for them and were quite impressed.

Mr Ignatieff is a high ranking member of the Liberals and ran for the leadership of the party the last time. He has quite a good chance of becoming leader the next time, and if he does - and then wins the election, a Prime Minister would own a signed copy of "Travels in a Blue Chair"!! Imagine that!?

Also, so many others were inquiring and took a card promising to contact me in the near future. Wow, such a positive morning and the weekend off to a great start!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Shop the Shore, New Toronto-Sat. Sept 20 10a-2p

My greatest booster Angela stopped me yesterday evening as I was out doing my usual 5K in the late afternoon sunshine. Angela asked whether I was participating in Saturday's Shop the Shore event, here along Lakeshore Blvd. W. in the west end of Toronto ( New Toronto in Etobicoke) between 1st and 14th Streets?

I had no idea that the event was happening, but I have an inventory of books on hand which need some signing, so I will be out on the street participating on Saturday!!

I am not sure exactly where I'll be located, but there are a number of vacant shops which I may be camped out in front of with my Tilley hat and pen in hand! Most likely I will be near Sixth St.

Please do come out and say "Hi" if you are in the vicinity this Saturday....and for a change, the weather is meant to be quite nice!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Gate - Entertainment Magazine

I have written to the online entertainment site, in the hopes that they may be interested in doing a brief article about the book or possibly, an online interview?

The Gate - Entertainment Magazine, is a really great website about all things in movies, literature, etc and would be a great way to connect with some new readers!

Here's hoping!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Some loose ends...

I have confirmed that I am booked on CHCH TV for the program Niagara Express, on the Thanksgiving weekend, so that is really great news!! Thanks Rachael!

The Canadian Paraplegic Association's magazine has asked me to abbreviate one of my stories in the next few weeks, so that they can include it in an upcoming issue. That is really great news, as I aim to reach one of my key demographics, and encourage the disabled to get out and travel.

Finally, the online edition of Reach Out magazine, is almost ready, and will include a submission that I wrote.

Some milestones have been reached! Hopefully there will be more to follow.

P.S. I found a note stuffed into my door at home. A neighbour wanted me to sign two copies of my book, as he was doing his Christmas shopping early!! Wow, that was unexpected - and great!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Rick Steeves - European travel writer.

Over the weekend I sent an e-mail out to Rick Steeves, who is a really great travel writer and has a program that airs on PBS about travel and places to visit throughout Europe.

I explained about my book, Travels in a Blue Chair, and the fact that I was trying to reach out to the disabled and able-bodied alike, and to motivate everyone to get out of the house, if possible.

Of course, too early to hope for a reply, but I hope he does try to contact me...maybe he can point me in the right direction?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Good news and some delayed good news !!

As a follow up to some previous items...the Canadian Paraplegic Association (go Paralympic athletes in Beijing!) is really keen to do possibly re-print some excerpts from my book, along with some new commentary. We are also working on a possible co-marketing venture, but not sure how as this book is self-published. I am really happy that Dave is so keen.

A bit of delayed good news out of Brock, as I did not make the fall issue of the disabled alumni newsletter and will likely be in the spring issue. Also good, is the fact that Margaret wants to include me in a blurb to her colleagues at other universities throughout the country!

Wow, the positive energy continues to flow!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

On E! TV !! (formerly CHCH)

It looks like I have been booked onto the show Niagara Express for the Thanksgiving program, the weekend of Oct. 12th. The interview still hasn't been confirmed, but they do have it open and it seems to me a match.

The more exposure for "Travels in a Blue Chair", the more people that can be reached to send out the message of the book's existence. Yay!

More info about the appearance will appear here as it becomes available.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Niagara Express - Dan McLean CHCH TV

I recently sent an email to E! TV (formerly CHCH TV) to ask whether they would be interested in interviewing me regarding my book, Travels in a Blue Chair, on their program Niagara Express, which concerns topics about all things Niagara related .

I was happy receive a reply from Rachel, who works on the show. Rachel explained that they were very interested, as I am originally from Welland, in Niagara. The show is taped on Friday afternoons and they are currently booking into mid-September. So hopefully we can co-ordinate our schedules and I can appear on the program in the very near future.

Hey, the channel is in Hamilton, and I spent the first 5 years of my life in hospital there, so that is a nice fit too! I believe that Dan McLean, the host of the program, is from my hometown of Welland.

Great news....just keeping up the effort to get the word out. Thanks to Rachel for her quick response!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Word on the Street Festival.

Bad news from the Word on the Street Festival which is conducted in late September each year here in Toronto. Apparently I am too late to participate, and usually only books published in the same year are eligible.

Alexandra, the organiser, mentioned that I could rent a table in the 2009 festival. That is so far out, at this point, but I will have to keep it in mind.

It is too bad, I think that Travels in a Blue Chair would have been a neat, and unusual, addition to the show. Oh well, I am still learning the ropes of how things work in the book signing circuit!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

The repeat customer!

I was surprised to receive an email from a woman who had me sign a book for her at my recent book signing event.

Vera (who has the cutest and quietest little blond twins) explained that she was hoping to visit me to pick up another copy! Her husband had started reading "Travels in a Blue Chair", and was really enjoying it. The whole family popped over to my flat after visiting a farmer's market.

The extra copy is headed to Germany for a friend of Vera's mother. Wow, that was so uplifting!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Canadian Paraplegic Association.

Last week I received a phone call from Dave at the CPA. Dave read the book and was really enthusiastic, telling me that he had enjoyed it.

Dave mentioned that his association's magazine was really lacking in travel content and he wanted to do a review of my book. Additionally, he was hoping to do a follow up in the fall issue featuring a bio of me. I thought this was great exposure for the book. Dave later wrote to ask whether it would be possible to publish one of my stories in the magazine, and of course that was no problem.

I am really looking forward to being a part of CPA, and I learned from Dave that CPA has an outreach program in Guyana, which I am hoping to volunteer for in the near future!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Blog Blog Blog ...hits 100 !!

Wow, it is hard to believe that this marks my 100th blog post on this thread!!

So much has happened since launching the book "Travels in a Blue Chair: Alaska to Zambia, Ushuaia to Uluru". Of course like any endeavour, there had been lots of up and downs, all of which I have documented here. But, through it all has been the thought that this was going to be worthwhile.

And it really has!! The feedback that I have received, especially from people who have read the book has really encouraged me to continue on. Many disabled people have written to me that they have enjoyed my adventures, and even a few have mentioned that I have motivated them to seek out some adventures of their own!

A doctor from France, has let me know that he feels all his fellow medicos should read the book to see the disabled as people who live their lives and not just as patients.

I have had the opportunity to appear in news stories, speak on TV, radio, and even a symposium for the disabled. Additionally, I have recently participated in my first book signing!!

What's in the future for the next 100 blog entries?? Who knows? I will be speaking to Rotary and a school classroom. Hopefully there will be more articles written and I can think up new ways to get the word out on the existence of the book.

I have used the internet for the most part and let's hope the positive energy continues to flow!!

Thanks to all of you out there reading this for your continued support, encouragement and smiles!! Cheers.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Spinal News - Ireland.

Yesterday morning I received an e-mail from a fellow in Ireland who is coming out Canada to do some kayaking. Colm is hoping to write about "Travels in a Blue Chair", in their next issue!! Here is the text I positive, and I am happy to help instill some confidence!! Way to go Colm!

Just read review of your book, we will be writing about it in our magazine Spinal News here in Ireland . I was interested to see you enjoy kayaking. I am flying to Canada this weekend first to Toronto and then up to Algonquin to go kayaking. Like your good self I use a wheelchair to get about.

I was worrying about travelling but reading about all your travelling has boosted my confidence.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Etobicoke Guardian - community paper article

I was recently contacted by Evan French, a reporter from Inside Toronto media, who had heard about me from the organizers of the book signing event I attended last week. Here is the article...quite a good picture too! Thanks Evan!

Author shares his experiences on his world travels

Walt Balenovich, author of "Travels in a Bluechair" signed copies of his book recently at Mimico Memorial Park.

BY EVAN FRENCH August 8, 2008 11:41 AM

An Etobicoke backpacker has written a book about his travels around the world in his blue wheelchair.

Despite his disability, Walt Balenovich has made solo trips to 26 countries on six continents since 1988. He met with readers - in the rain - to sign copies of his book, Travels in a Blue Chair, at Mimico Memorial Park Tuesday.

Balenovich, who was diagnosed with polio when he was twelve-weeks-old, spent the first five years of his life in a hospital bed.

The biggest factor for disabled travellers is logistics, he said.

"You try to figure out what you can and cannot do," he said. "I'm not bothered when I can't do something."

As an IT consultant, he uses the time in between jobs to scope out potential adventures. He spends time researching trips to find out which areas are most wheelchair accessible, but said these days just about everything is 'do-able'.

"Western Europe is the best," he said. "And the States is better than Canada because of (the country's support for) all the disabled veterans."

He said he chose Holland for his first trip partially because he knew it was flat.

"I knew it was flat and everyone spoke English, in Amsterdam at least, so I could kind of get my confidence."

He said although he plans his trips carefully, things don't always go according to plan.

"When I was in Zambia, I fell out of my chair and broke my leg," he said. "When you're travelling alone in a wheelchair and you've got a broken leg and it's 35 hours back to Toronto, it can be a little problematic."

Balenovich said he wants to motivate all people, not just the disabled, to get out and see the world.

"When I need help I ask for it," he said. "If a guy in a wheelchair can do it, then anyone can."

Friday, August 8, 2008

Walt Balenovich - CBC NewsWorld interview, YouTube.

Here is the video of the CBC interview on NewsWorld from Monday afternoon...

Many thanks to Terry for coming to the event with me and to Geoff and Tim as usual for the editing and digital feed!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A rainy book signing !!

I arrived early for the outdoor book signing on Tuesday evening, but the weather didn't want to cooperate! Luckily, my friend Terry had thought ahead and erected his camping tent. My other buddy Cyril also helped out and despite the rain, the many authors in attendance kept in high spirits.

There was great interest and I did get to sign some books, which is very gratifying. I made some new contacts, one was a Scout leader who would like me to speak to his pack, and another contact was a book club member interested in having me over to speak to her group.

My friends Sue and Frank also came to support me. So much positive energy!!

Thanks to Sandy and her organizing committee for a job well done. It was a wonderful learning experience for me!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

CBC NewsWorld Interview.

Had a very pleasant time at the interview this afternoon. Many thanks to Laura, the producer, and all of the staff.

The interview was conducted outside, and covered a wide range of topics and included some questions about what it is like to backpack the world alone in a blue chair.

Hope to get the video up on YouTube shortly.

Tomorrow is the book signing! ;-) I hope the weather holds!

Friday, August 1, 2008

CBC Newsworld!! Mon Aug. 4 @ 1.15pm Andrew Nichols

I returned home last evening and picked up a message from Laura, who works as a producer at CBC Newsworld. Laura produces a travel segment and is going to have me on her piece this Monday. The host of the program is Andrew Nichols. They are hoping to have me on the air live for 1.15pm??

This is all so new, I am hoping to iron out the details today.

Finally some good news from CBC...YAY!! Great way to start the weekend!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My first book signing! Mimico, Tue Aug 5th 5.30pm

I am really starting to get excited about my first book signing next week in Mimico, in south Etobicoke, a part of Toronto's west end along the lakeshore.

I, along with 6 other authors will be participating. The organizer, Sandy, was quite keen to get my book, and I have since signed another, too! Here is more info...

The event is on Tuesday night, just after the long weekend, and runs from 5.30 - 8.30 pm. My friends Cy and Terry will be on hand to let's hope the weather hold out.

A report to follow...if you are nearby, please do drop by to say "hi".

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Open Book Toronto!

I wrote a short note to one of the people "following" me on see if I could get a mention on their website.

The follower, Open Book Toronto, was quite accommodating and immediately included my info on their events page...

Many thanks to Clelia at OBT for all her support!! Great stuff!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Social Networking via the interweb.

Anyone who has read this blog knows that I have really tried to tap into the many forms of networking that are available on the web.

This week, especially on YouTube, I have been contacted by fellow disabled people who have learned about my adventures. In return, I then have the opportunity to visit their pages or profiles to find out more about them and their lives.

Social networking has really taken off in the last few years, mainly driven by the younger age groups who are quite savvy in how to interact online. Through FaceBook, YouTube, FlickR, and TourWatch, I have made many new friends.

And whether it is online or in person, you can never have enough of those!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Heard the word? Rotary International

One of the things that I haven't mentioned at all in this blog (since I have relied almost exclusively on using web technologies to get the word out) is the fact that I have come to realize recently, that word of mouth has had a great impact on the success of "Travels in a Blue Chair".

My local publicist, Angela, has never missed a chance to tell all her friends and acquaintances about my book, and I know it has been tremendously successful. Additionally, all my family and friends in my hometown have let it be known that the book is available and what the stories are all about.

Recently, one of my former university professors, Mary Frances, wrote to tell me that she had heard about the book and obtained a copy. She is a member of Rotary International, and told all her fellow Rotarians about the fact that I am also trying to help their Polio Eradication programme. Although the organization's magazine, The Rotarian, decided not to mention the book in any of their issues, I am confident that after I speak at an upcoming meeting, that will change - for the better!!

The moral of this story - Please get out and spread the word to your friends and fellow readers if you have enjoyed these stories. Every little word helps!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Global Human !!

I have been wondering how the website Twitter might fit into the scheme of letting the world know about the book. One of my "followers" is the publisher of an online magazine called Global Human.

This is a new webzine as far as I am aware, but I think that the idea is a really good one. Global Human is soliciting original, unpublished essays or stories about human experience especially when travelling. Here is the website...

I will be contacting the publisher to see if I can make a contribution to the cause and hopefully meet some new and kindred spirits!

Monday, July 14, 2008

A "great" review from a Dr. in France !!

Here is an e-mail message I received from a medical doctor in France who has read my book and really enjoyed it. He actually called me and left a message, and hopefully we will be in verbal contact soon. I just wanted to include an excerpt here to demonstrate that people are appreciating this book even in some walks of life that I could not have foreseen.

This medical professional has really got the point of "Travels in a Blue Chair" !!...the title of his e-mail (... and I write this sheepishly.. lol) was, "A Great Book".

"I am Dr XXX from France, specialist in rehabilitation medicine, ...

I have read books about living of disabled persons written by disabled authors, but yours is really different. Actually, I think your spontaneity in your way of living ... makes the difference. Your ability to get help from people wherever you are, shows your cleverness in creating contact with people by using your disability. You know how to use this blue wheelchair to develop links around yourself.

Medical staffs of rehab must learn from your way of living, with the aim to convince their patients of their quality of life. Keep in contact... Sincerely Yours, Dr. XXX"

Merci Doctor, for all your encouragement and help to the cause!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Seeking an alternative format.

I was asked once at the symposium I attended, whether my book, "Travels in a Blue Chair", is available in an alternative format for the visually impaired? This generally refers to braille or a larger text type. The question came up again on the weekend, when I received a message from an online magazine publisher who is interested in doing an interview.

Unfortunately, the book, which I have self-published is not available in an alternative format at this time. I apologize unreservedly for this. However, I hope that the public will understand that I have published these stories at my own expense and am trying to get the message out to younger disabled and others about the potential of the disabled. I am also hoping to recover the costs of publishing and hopefully raise a bit of money for Rotary International's Polio eradication program.

The book font is actually rather large, so I am hoping that even a magnifying glass may be of use to those reading the stories as that is what one member of my family used enhance the text type.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Ooops! Who pulled (or didn't connect) the plug ?!

I really enjoy using YouTube to reach out to the internet community and let them know about "Travels in a Blue Chair".

I was really excited that when I was down in Niagara a few months ago for the Accessibility Symposium. The speakers were being recorded and I was told that I would be receiving a copy of the video.

Well, news is that the audio cable didn't get hooked up! So, if there is any tape, it will be a Charlie Chaplin video of me. Would probably be quite funny to see actually! If I do get hold of it, I may try to do a funny voice-over and put it up on YouTube anyway.

Ah well, the bumps on the path to promotion of a book are many and unforeseen. Cheers!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Around the world in twenty years !

The July issue of U.K. based Disability Now magazine has come out, and my article in the Living section has been included! My story was modified a tad into UK English (I don't usually spell it "tyre"... lol). You can review the article here...

Many thanks to John, out there across the pond for all his assistance. Please check out their fabulous website.

I am sure this will help spread the word about "Travels in a Blue Chair" to many new readers across the pond!

Monday, June 30, 2008

My first book signing! PARTY in the PARK- Aug 5th !

I have accepted an invitation to attend the "Party in the Park", in Toronto's west end near the lake on Tuesday, Aug. 5th from 5.50-8.30 pm.

I spoke with Sandy from the event committee over the weekend and learned more about the event. They are expecting 400-600 book enthusiasts and are aiming to promote local authors as much as possible. Sandy mentioned that some publishers were likely to attend.

I was hesitant as I needed to recruit some friends to assist me at the table. Sandy had said that it would be nice to have at least one other person to help with the books at the table if I was occupied with a signing.

Many thanks to my buddies Terry and Cyril for answering the call! More on this exciting event as I find out more!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

If you have the AUDACITY !!

A few months ago I sent out some info about "Travels in a Blue Chair" to a number of online publications. One lady, named Natasha, the editor of Audacity Magazine was quite interested, but when I followed up with some further info, her mailbox was full!

I finally remembered to check back, and there was my note, back in the previous April edition of the magazine...

I see from Natasha's most recent edition that she has just returned from a great trip to Australia. Way to go Natasha!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Speaking to the kids.

A friend of my family, who is an elementary school teacher has contacted me about speaking to his classroom of kids about my adventures. Jeff teaches a combined class of Grade 4 and 5 students, and thought it would be quite interesting and informative for him.

I won't be able to get down to Niagara to speak to this year's class, but I am aiming to speak to next year's group by combining this with another speaking gig for the Rotary, when I am down for the Thanksgiving holiday. Great to be noticed, and I hope I can think of things to say to keep the students interested.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Now over 2500 video views on YouTube !!

It is hard to believe the power of some of these platforms in the internet, for reaching out to the public. Since launching my short videos of interviews I have done, we have surpassed 2500 videos watched!

By far the most popular is my first interview on Breakfast Television, with Dina. I think that most people are probably looking for her, as all my friends were quite excited that I was sitting beside her that morning. Even if they are searching for Dina, and getting my vid....they are learning about my adventures and the book, in the process.

That is what it is all about!

Monday, June 16, 2008

I'm the new twittler on Twitter !

I am now twitting on Twitter, as of the weekend. I still haven't decided how exactly to use this website to promote "Travels in a Blue Chair", but hopefully it will evolve into a useful platform. You can't update your twits, so I will have to watch my syntax and spelling!

For those not familiar with Twitter, it is really gearing to the younger set (not yet my demographic!), and so you just enter short messages from time to time, either from the web, your SMS, iPhone, BlackBerry or other communications device.

It something new, so just like my blue chair, I'm giving it a spin. Why not be a follower?!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

NPR, CNN and FOX news.

I have been trying for some time to get a bit of extra news coverage, with some of the biggie news agencies. To this end, I have been trying to contact them regarding the book, and hoping to interest one of the editors into conducting and online or audio interview.

So far I have met with little success, but as usual, I am not prepared to give up the ghost just yet. As with most things in life, you can't succeed without giving it a concerted effort.

I just have to hit on the right editor and then hopefully things will fall into place. Stay tuned!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Merry month of May - broke the record !!

The CBC interview really drove a great amount of traffic to the "Travels in a Blue Chair" website (see the right hand side bar for the link). We broke the record with over 12,000 hits!!

I think this confirms that there is a great interest in these stories and judging by the wonderful participation from people all over the world in the online interview, and those reading this blog, this interest knows no borders.

Spreading the word has been a tough slog, but it is paying off with all the positive feedback I have received these last few months!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

"Party in the Park" in Mimico.

I have recently be lucky enough to be invited to the "Party in the Park", here in nearby Mimico. My unofficial publicist, Angela, has been out evangelising about my book and this festival will bring together budding local authors in the west-end and all sorts of book enthusiasts.

The authors are encouraged to do a reading from their book and have some copies available for purchase for those in the audience who may be interested.

The event is on August 5th, just after the long weekend. I am hoping to participate, so I will be looking forward to this exciting, new challenge!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Getting to know the writer! More Qs from CBC.

Usually, when someone is writing an article about myself or "Travels in a Blue Chair", the questions are e-mailed to me and I then write the answers back. Tonight I was host to Elizabeth, a disabled freelance writer and her friends June and Mario, all from Ottawa. They were down attending a genealogy convention in Hamilton and wanted to make a point of meeting me and conducting the interview in person!

It was a nice change to meet people who had read the book, enjoyed it and asked so many thoughtful questions. On the other side, they seemed really pleased to finally meet the adventurer in a blue chair and get the answers in person and meet the character behind the book. It was a great experience all around.


I received an additional 7 questions on the CBC web interview. I answered them promptly, but as of now they have not been put up on the website. Hopefully the answers will be up soon. Heck, one of them came all the way from Beijing, China!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Access gets coordinated.

Recently, at my speaking engagement in Niagara, I had the pleasure of meeting Margaret, who is the Accessibility Coordinator at my old university, Brock. When I attended there was no such person and it was up to me to try to mooch a ride around campus (down the escarpment, to the science complex) or try to figure out how to get into Alfie's Trough (the pub, supposedly named after General Sir Isaac Brock's horse!). The pub was down a whole bunch of steps along the hill too!

I think it is great that the university has finally realised the value in assisting disabled students. Margaret is hoping to feature "Travels in a Blue Chair" in her next newsletter in the autumn. I look forward to meeting up with her again and learning about all the initiatives they have completed these last few years.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Interview upcoming.

Quite a while ago, after "Travels in a Blue Chair" first came out, I received an email from Elizabeth, a disabled freelance writer who had purchased my book and enjoyed it. She mentioned that if she was in my part of the world, she would like to meet up and interview me for an article she was composing.

Elizabeth is soon to be attending a conference nearby and afterwards will be going out of her way to drop by to meet and discuss my adventures.

It will be great to finally meet her, talk about the making of the book and discuss the adventures in it. I will really look forward to reading her article when it is completed.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

CBC website - Your Interview.

It was great to participate in the Your Interview feature on the website of CBC today. Their intro initially had the wrong title to my book, "Travels in a Blue Chair", but that was sorted out quickly.

I was gratified to see that viewers had submitted 13 questions for me to answer and they may have had more that didn't make it. Either way, it is one of the highest response rates for an interview! It was nice to observe that there was an equal mix of disabled and average people asking questions, and they were really good ones too!

Here is the link you can use to read the interview. I have had a great response on my website as a result...

Please forward the above link to anyone you feel may be interested.

I wrote this book to show what the disabled can do, even if it is alone! I hope that some adolescent disabled will get hold of it and be motivated to do things in life, that they not have thought they could do. It doesn't have to be travelling, that is just my interest.

Heck, even non-disabled questioners are using me now as motivation to get started on their travels! That is another good reason for me to write the book.

Thanks to Amil at CBC and to all the questioners who wrote in. I really appreciate your interest!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Odds and Ends.

Don't forget to send in your questions to the CBC website on Thursday! Please check my previous post for the link and information on how to do it.


I have received more great feedback from my recent symposium speaking engagement in Niagara. Apparently, I was one of the highest rated on the feedback forms which were submitted at the conclusion of the event. YAY!

Also, Linda, who writes about disabled issues for the St. Catharines Standard newspaper, is hoping to do a piece on "Travels in a Blue Chair".


John, of Disability Now, in the UK, has finished reviewing my submission and publication is imminent. I look forward to seeing the final piece.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Online interview next Thursday!

I was contacted today by the CBC website news department asking whether I would like to participate in their Your Interview program. In the format, people can write in to submit their questions and then later in the day I write my answers, which are then posted on the website. Here is the link to find next Thursday...

So, please think up some interesting questions about my adventures in a blue chair all over the world, and maybe yours will be chosen to be answered and published.

Finally, some progress at CBC....will they finally put me on air at some point? We'll see.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Reach has increased by over 45% !!

One of the main reasons for the existence of this blog is to try to keep the public informed on what I am doing to try and get the word out on "Travels in a Blue Chair". Hey, some of my internet efforts and speaking gigs must be working out!

In only the last 2 months, the number of people reading the book has gone up by over 45%, compared to the first 4 months!

I really feel this book portrays the disabled in a positive way and is important for disabled youth, and also to let the average community in on our capabilities.

There is no point writing such a book, if no one is going to read it. If you have enjoyed the book or this blog, please let your friends and family know and possibly include it in your organisation's newsletter or publication.

Every little blurb helps spread the word!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Symposium speech response was so positive!

I was really nervous on Saturday about making my speech at the Niagara Regional Access Symposium. The fact that I was just after lunch really piled on the pressure. I didn't have a prepared speech, just a list of points to cover, as I wanted my talk to sound genuine and unscripted.

The ladies at my table were very encouraging, as they all were looking forward to hearing about my adventures. My voice quivered a bit for the first 5 minutes as I did my intro and tried to find a way to link all the threads of my thoughts, but as time went on and I discussed my adventures, it flowed really well. The best thing was looking at the crowd and seeing them smile and be quite attentive as I told them some of the funny stories of my travels and how people have reacted to a solo disabled backpacker.

Russ, my former high school math teacher, and host of the event, had provided a copy of "Travels in a Blue Chair" as the early bird door prize and I autographed it for the winner, who's friend had claimed it in her absence. The feedback was really great afterwards and I answered as many questions as I could in the time allotted.

The event was recorded on tape and Russ said he would forward a copy to me. When that happens, I will try to enlist my geeky friends, Geoff and Tim, to upload the speech on YouTube.

A woman asked for a copy to review, but I mentioned that I didn't have any copies to provide as I have self-published the book. That is one of the big problems about this type of publishing, but the alternative is that no one would ever get to read of my adventures.

When I returned home tonight, I read a really great email from Ron in Grimsby who said he thought I had a positive message to tell and that he hoped it would rub off on him....I am sure that it already has!! Thanks Ron, for the great comment on my YouTube B.T. interview!

All in all it was a really POSITIVE event and I want to thank Russ and the committee to inviting me to speak!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The power of the the internet.

The publicising of "Travels in a Blue Chair" has exclusively been through the internet. Even when I have appeared on T.V., radio or in newspapers, my first contact was always via an email introducing myself, the book and by providing a brief blurb which included some of the anecdotes in the book's stories.

Just as an FYI to those of you on the interweb who may be interested here is an archive of some of my 'Net presence...

...and of course - this blog!

I have used FaceBook with the most success. On that system you can join groups and inform people interested in similar topics, about what you are doing and are up to. It seems that FaceBook is most popular in the Canada and Europe, whereas MySpace is what those in the U.S. use the most.

YouTube has really been great for those who want to "meet" me and see what I am all about, talking in my own words. That platform is really special.

One thing is certain, the internet is a really great way of getting the message out!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Symposium this Saturday in Welland.

If you are in or near Welland this Saturday, I will be speaking at the annual Niagara Regional Access Symposium being held at the Senior Citizens' Centre on Lincoln St.

I have spent the weekend pondering how access has affected my life and I have been asked to talk about how access has impacted my travels worldwide. I have a few funny stories to tell about my adventures, so if you are in the neighbourhood, do drop by to learn more about myself and "Travels in a Blue Chair".

Among the speakers attending will the lawyer who successfully forced the Toronto Transit Commission to announce all stops so that blind passengers would know where they are.

It promises to be a great event. Tune in again next week for an update on the symposium.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Friends of Sam Smith Park

Last week my unofficial publicist, Angela, drafted me to help out with our local park cleanup day this past Sunday.... "bring your book with you", she implored. I decided not to, as I wanted to use the time to devote to the park. Angela, Terry and I spent the morning working the table with our literature and welcoming or encouraging the volunteers.

So many young families and children participated that you really get the feeling that the younger generation is going to be right there keeping Mother Earth safe for future generations. The Sparks/Brownies/Guides/Pathfinder girls were out in force to accept the plastic gloves and trash bags I was handing out. Congrats to all who participated and to the organisers!

Here is the website of the FOSSP group may even see a photo of me in my baseball cap behind the desk (you may have to look back to April's entries)...

Remember, the AGM and election of new officers is on Tuesday at 7 pm in the Assembly Hall.

Even though I didn't bring my book, many on hand were really interested to learn about "Travels in a Blue Chair" and some of my experiences, so that was really great!


The day before, on the Saturday, the City of Toronto was hosting a tree planting day. There were 800 trees to plant and I showed up early in the morning to see if it was possible for me to plant a tree? I found a strapping young lad with a shovel, named Bruce, who happily tilted my chair and slalomed me through the potholes in the meadow to a spot, where he commenced to dig a hole.

I got to plant a Wild Red Raspberry tree (RUBUS IDAEUS), which is going to attract some songbirds to our little park on the lake in the years to come. So many helped out, including a whole group of elderly Tai Chi club members and a boy scout troop, including a scout in a wheelchair! Yay! They didn't have that when I was a kid. Thanks again to Bruce and all the gang on hand for the event.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Some wonderful and encouraging feedback!

One of the things that has been great about writing "Travels in a Blue Chair", has been the feedback I receive from those who have read the book.

On the weekend I received an email from Mavis in Regina, who had read the Globe article after it was published and then bought the book. Although she hadn't completely read all the stories, she liked the fact that my message was to get out and travel, while not worrying too much about what you can't do. Mavis uses an electric wheelchair, though she can walk a bit. I was happy to learn that she is planning to visit Athens and enjoy a cruise to the Black Sea. Despite the fact that she does need to do some major planning around her oxygen tank, she has decided to not pre-plan the whole trip and will let some of the flow of the trip guide her. Mavis travelled extensively many years ago, so she is looking forward to getting back out there.

Way to go Mavis! She has promised to keep me updated. If I can help motivate both disabled and average people alike to travel or attempt things they have always wanted to do, then my job here is getting done!

In other feedback, many people I have met on the elevator in my building recently are really looking forward to getting their copy of the book. Wow! I know that they won't be disappointed.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"Have wheels, will travel" - today in the Globe and Mail !

Many thanks to Allison at the Globe & Mail for including me in her article "Have wheels, will travel", about disabled travellers who are getting out to see the world despite the obstacles thrown at us....

Here is an excerpt from the Allison's article....also there were two colour photos included...

Toronto's Walt Balenovich, a wheelchair maverick who has written a book about his journeys, Travels in a Blue Chair, excels in choosing adventures far from the tourist traps.

He never books his hotels in advance and is always able to find someone to help him get around. He doesn't even worry about finding an accessible shower - there's always soap, water and a washcloth, he says.

"I travel alone so I have to rely on people to help me," he says. "Who wouldn't help somebody in a wheelchair? It takes five minutes out of your day and you come away from it feeling good."

He says that because he's "looking to rough it," he enjoys staying in hostels, where he meets interesting people and often has a more unique experience.

Even a medical emergency abroad did little to deter him. "I had a bad experience in Zambia where I fell out of the wheelchair and broke my leg." A doctor with a "blurry X-ray machine" slapped a cast on him, and Balenovich continued on his way.

He's proof that experiences are limitless for the traveller with a little chutzpah. He has soaked in the spray of Iguazu Falls in Argentina, visited rice paddies in Indonesia and floated on a catamaran over the Great Barrier Reef of Australia.

"I just find a destination. I don't worry about whether the wheelchair is going to be a problem or not. The world is not built with a ramp."

The interview was done a week or so ago, and it turned out great! Hey, all my friends are now starting to call me The Maverick ! This article should really help get the news out about "Travels in a Blue Chair".

Monday, April 21, 2008

Writing again - eeeek !

It took me parts of three years to complete the writing of "Travels in a Blue Chair" and then another year to finish off the editing process prior to publishing. I am now writing again!

John, the editor of UK based, Disability Now, has approached me to write a composite story about my travels, with a special view to the issues encountered when a lonely backpacker in a blue chair travels alone. John asked that I choose some highlights from each of the continents, and try to provide some hints and tips.

I have already started to write the piece and hopefully it will motivate some readers who have wanted to try to travel overseas, but have been reluctant for whatever reason, to give it a go.

Really, that is also one of the main reasons I wrote the book!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'm too young to be in a Museum! ... or am I ?

My friend Tina alerted me to a Toronto Star article regarding the opening tonight, of a Royal Ontario Museum exhibit about the history of the disabled and our place in society. Tina has suggested that my book might deserve a place in the exhibit.

The interesting thing about this exhibit is that it was put together by the School of Disabled Studies at Ryerson University, here in Toronto. Now, I remember that just after my first T.V. interview on Breakfast Television back in January, I received an email from Ryerson. The note was sent by the librarian of the Disabled Studies program stating that she had seen the interview and had just ordered "Travels in a Blue Chair" for the university's collection.

So, I am wondering if the book they received is in the exhibit? If not, could they possibly add it? Anyway, I have phoned the University and emailed the ROM, but have not heard anything back.

If you are in town, please visit the ROM website and check out the exhibit. The show runs until the middle of July and if you are disabled, you get to bring someone with you for free! Well worth the effort, no doubt.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Upcoming Globe & Mail article, CFRB interview on YouTube.

One of the tasks that I perform from time to time is mailing out a press blurb and biography to editors of newspapers in an effort to interest them into writing an article about "Travels in a Blue Chair", thus helping to spread the word.

I was pleased to receive an email from Allison, who writes freelance for the Globe and Mail, asking if I would be interested in being interviewed for a piece she is doing about the disabled and how they are starting to travel widely. She was particularly interested in some of the obstacles that we encounter and what methods disabled travellers use to overcome them.

Allison mentioned the article would be ready in a few weeks, so it will really be something to look forward to!

Also, I have created a slide show movie with the audio from the radio interview on the weekend, it is my first attempt at doing this, so I hope it came out OK.

If you would like to hear it, the video is the one on the right side bar with the picture of me sitting on Table Mountain is S. Africa, overlooking the ocean.

Friday, April 11, 2008

CFRB 1010 Radio and Ian Wright, Pilot Guides.

I was a guest on the John Moore show tonight, from the Travel Expo at the International Centre near the airport. It was great to be on, as we talked about the book and some of my experiences travelling the world alone in my chair.

The first guest on the program was Ian Wright, the English host of the Pilot Guides TV series, which is aired worldwide. He was really funny and a great guest.

After his appearance, when the crowd had left, he and I got to meet up and chat. Ian was quite interested in my travels and book. I gave him an autographed copy to take home with him tomorrow night to read on the plane trip.

Many thanks to John and Amy at CFRB for their great hospitality. The word about the book is getting out!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

CBC blocked in China, Meet the Producers (NFB)

Recently, I was pleased to be invited to attend a meeting with some of the upper management of the National Film Board. They were interested in updating new filmmakers as to how they select ideas, and what type of creative approaches attract their interest.

The meeting, organised by Heather, and including Silva, the NFB's Executive Producer, as well as Terry and Leah, their Creative Producers, began with an overview film, then some presentations and finally a question and answer feedback session.

I asked the final question of the day as to whether the NFB could put me in touch with a filmmaker who would be in a wheelchair, and could share my perspective? Silva mentioned that most were located in B.C., but that one of NFB's mandates this year was to develop disabled filmmakers, or promote documentaries from a disabled perspective here in this part of the country.

I then briefly explained my project and she seemed quite interested.

A good friend of mine, Rod, was born with Spina Bifida,in a Japanese internment camp in British Columbia, over 60 years ago and has lived his life in a chair. His story and those of similar people from all 6 continents, are stories that need to be told!

I also met some great contacts, Joseph, a composer and member of the Toronto Rotary club...Rashmi, originally from India, who is an Event Coordinator and Producer, and Gurbeen, who invited me to her Indie Arts festival which will be promoting a disabled theme!

What a great day and such enthusiasm ... thanks to you all !!


On another note, I see that the CBC president is complaining to China about the fact that CBC has been blocked and that Canadians and others cannot get their message through!!

The irony is that the same thing has happened to me BY THE CBC, as I have not been able to get on TV, radio or a mention on their website....

I guess that the world has a way of evening things out ? CBC will find that being powerless against a large organization is no fun at all, and in this day and age, everyone, even disabled people, need to get their message out.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Kevin McCann - Stratford Rotarian

This book has touched many people in their lives and now it has touched me in a very powerful and sudden way.

I learned this morning of the passing of Kevin McCann from the Stratford Rotary Club. Kevin had recently contacted me about speaking to their Rotary Club. We had only contacted each other by email, but I could easily tell from his first letter, that he was devoted to Rotary, its ideals and the community and family he was part of.

Here are some excerpts from a Stratford newspaper article about his life, that Kevin's wife Ying forwarded to me...

Born and raised in the city, McCann was president of the Rotary Club in 1999-2000 was made a Paul Harris Fellow in 2002.His legacy to the club may be the idea of a dragon boat festival on the Avon River. With support from experienced paddlers Brian McNeil-Smith and brother-in-law Ken Gene, McCann pitched the idea to skeptical club members in 1993.

McCann also was involved with the Rotary Club’s Sports Celebrity Dinner, bringing in a young Eric Lindros in 1992 to help raise a record of close to $7,000 for the club’s work with disabled children.He took up paddling himself and with the Silvermasters, a team of 45-55 year-olds, competed in over 60 events in North America and one in Germany in 2001.

He also helped to develop many other dragon boat festivals in Ontario and the U.S. He was involved in a Rotary Club paddle-a-thon to raise money for a cleanup of the Avon River and was one of the initiators of the Aquabox program within the club.

Here is the original email I received from Kevin, introducing himself and his Rotary Club....

"Hi Walt

My daughter saw your recent program on Breakfast Television and sent me the link to your web site.............

I am a member of The Rotary Club of Stratford and also sit on our program committee. Our club has a membership of about 135 and we also have another club in town with about 30 members. As you are aware, Rotary is spearheading the eradication of polio and although we have made great strides, we still have a long ways to go. Our web site is

I am wondering if you might be interested in speaking to our clubs at some future meeting. We meet Thursdays at noon but might be able to change that to a special meeting to accommodate your schedule. Generally, we are able to attract many visitors to our meetings in the summer because of The Stratford Shakespeare Festival. This might be a great time to visit our great community.I am not sure if you are a patron of our theatre but if you were coming here to the theatre, it might be a great tie in.

We are members of Rotary District 6330 which stretches from the Georgian peninsula into Michigan and our clubs are quite active in doing great things. I believe that having you speak to our clubs would be a tremendous motivator to some of our Rotarians to get behind our Polio Plus program. I also think that the membership would be quite interested in purchasing your book as well.

Also, Stratford is a wonderful place in the summertime and I can assure you that you would be treated royally. And finally, I found your web site to be tremendously interesting.

If you are interested, please contact me so we can start making arrangements. If it doesn't work for you now, please consider this invitation for sometime down the road.

Best regards
Kevin McCann"

Up until his death, we had not been able to set a date for me to speak in Stratford, but I am hopeful that will be arranged, so that I can meet some of his family and friends to learn more about the man and his wonderful life.

You can read more about Kevin and his life in this article...

My sorrows go out to Kevin's wife Ying (Gene) McCann and daughters Megan, Lyndsey and Laura.

I never knew Kevin, but I feel in some way, that had I met him, we would have become friends. I know he had many friends, and they and Rotary will all miss him greatly.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

March had over 11,000 hits on the website!

Well, I think that the message is getting out on "Travels in a Blue Chair". We had over 11,000 hits on the website last month and our YouTube views has now exceeded 1,550 interviews watched.

Interestingly, in reviewing the stats provided by my web host, we also have well over 100 links to the website...

....from other websites, including the New York Times, Lonely Planet, BBC and the Guardian in the UK.

Some of the weirdest search strings input that found my website .... "Japan broom" and "lady in Kenya with lions" ... lol.

It doesn't matter to me how you find out about the book as long as you do! By the way this blog has almost 1000 views too!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Adventurer - April issue of "Access Anything"

The gang at the Access Anything website, have come out with the April issue of their "webzine", The Traveler. On page 9 you'll find an article entitled "The Adventurer", featuring myself and a great piece about the book "Travels in a Blue Chair"! You can access the article here....

The webzine newsletter looks great and many thanks goes out to Andy (Andrea) for all the exposure it is sure to bring.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Speaking at an Accessibility Advisory Symposium.

My former math teacher in high school has contacted me recently about speaking at a regional symposium in Welland, my hometown, in early May.

Mr. Findlay was a great teacher, and is in a chair now, but it hasn't slowed him down much as he is "chair" (lol) of the city's Accessibility Advisory Committee, and has recently returned from Botswana, where he taught back in the early '80s.

Reading over the selection of speakers scheduled to appear, it seems there are quite a few heavy hitters advocating for accessible venues, transit and workplaces. All those topics are near and dear to my heart.

I can only hope that my contribution will fit in there somewhere, but as you know, if you have been reading this blog, inclusive tourism is the wave of the future and in fact, is here now.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Blog article from the Lonely Planet !

The article about "Travels in a Blue Chair" has come out on the Lonely Planet website. The piece is done in a question and answer format and came out really well. I hope that any travellers who stumble upon it will find it informative and I am sure it will spark their interest.

Here is the blog...

Many thanks to Venessa (that is the correct spelling) at Lonely Planet for her interest in my adventures! The word is spreading...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A documentary proposal for the NFB.

I am just putting on the finishing touches to a National Film Board documentary proposal. This is the first time preparing something like this and it has definitely been a learning experience. I am uncertain of what will happen next, but am hopeful that this project moves on to the next step.

The theme of my proposal revolves around the topic of "inclusive tourism", and how the disabled can benefit, both by participating in tourism and hosting it.

Special thanks to my new friend, Micol, who has really helped guide me through this process with her insights into the industry.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Lonely Planet !

I have been contacted by the online community liaison of the Lonely Planet travel guide about doing an interview for a community blog on their website!

The Australia based interviewer, Venessa, who goes by the moniker of "G_Woman", mentioned that Lonely Planet wanted to start celebrating the achievements of some of the members of their community. For anyone who may not be aware, L.P. is one of the great guide books that backpackers and other travellers use to find out more information regarding any travel destination in the world.

Getting a mention, and especially an interview, will really help get the word out about the existence of "Travels in a Blue Chair", and some of the adventures and reactions to my travels! I am really looking forward to it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Access Anything! - magazine.

I was contacted yesterday by Andy at "Access Anything" magazine out in Colorado. Andy and Craig are two kindred spirits who also spend as much time as possible out on the road travelling and educating average people about the great strides in disabled tourism. They learned of "Travels in a Blue Chair", when my friend Scott Rains, of the "Rolling Rains Report", brought a copy of it to the January S.A.T.H. conference.

Andy (Andrea) is going to write a short story for her publication and is encouraging me to get out to some disabled Expos in the near future to spread the word about the book and my future adventures.

Please visit and bookmark their excellent website to learn more about each of them and their ventures....

A huge Thanks and hats off to Andy and Craig for all their positive energy!

I aim to write an article for their magazine in the near future, to return the favour.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Another Freelance Article coming up!

I have been very lucky since launching "Travels in a Blue Chair", with all the interest from people writing articles about my adventures.

Elizabeth, a freelance journalist from Ottawa, disabled herself, has now read halfway through the book (quite enjoying it), and will soon be sending me some questions for her article. The support from the disabled community, whether in the UK, way out in far-flung Eastern Europe, or here in North America, has been just fantastic.

With some of the media setbacks over the last week at CBC, the positive energy has been fantastic!! Cheers!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

YES Minister!

Today, I emailed (phoned first) the Heritage Minister, Ms. Josee Verner, updating her on the situation. She is the Minister responsible for CBC, so now we have reached the top of the mountain! Let's hope she can get to the bottom of this!

Meanwhile, Heather at the NFB has updated me and things are moving along nicely there!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mention on BBC's OUCH! podcast! Shunned by CBC.

News from London that my book was mentioned on the BBC last week. Actually the book is doing quite well in the UK.

BBC has a great disabled centric website called OUCH! The site highlights important disabled related issues, and news, complete with discussion forums and podcasts done by disabled BBC personalities.

The gang at BBC asked the listeners to check out my website and provide feedback as to whether I should be a telephone guest on the show! So, all you British readers, let them know you want me on!

Many thanks to the personalities at OUCH! and especially Emma, who is the researcher there.

Meanwhile back at the CBC...

I have hit a brick wall with the CBC Ombudsman of all people. Vince Carlin is passing the buck saying he can do nothing about my complaint, yet on the CBC website it says complaints are his #1 priority !??

For background, my book has been in CBC offices going into a 5th month now. I was shuttled between 2 NewsWorld morning programs, and more recently 3 radio programs, including one called "Sounds like Canada", but they rejected the Canadian backpacker in the blue chair as unsuitable for their show. The head of programming at CBC, Fred Fuchs, has totally ignored my phone call and emails.

Last week here in Canada, the CBC was criticised in the media for ignoring Francophone culture during a recent music awards program, when all the French language artists were chopped out.

It seems to me that disabled culture is under threat as well, when our milestones are not just ignored, but shunned.

CBC could learn a diversity lesson or two from Big Brother over at the BBC !

Looks like we're gonna have to "take this to the top". Let the CBC know what you think about this matter!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Brave New Traveler online article.

Today an article about disabled travelers backpacking alone, which included some of my experiences, was published on the website, Brave New Traveler. The article entitled, "Does the World Discriminate Against Disabled Travelers?", shows that there are a few of us who try to go to unusual and exotic destinations, even if the ramps aren't built and things aren't in 5 star condition. You just have to try, if you can!

You can view the article online by clicking here...

Many thanks to Julie, who wrote the article.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Rotary Club speaking engagements.

Kevin, from the Stratford chapter of the Rotary Club, wrote to me yesterday about coming to his town to speak to the local group about my book and some of the experiences I have had over the years. Apparently his daughter saw one of my TV interviews and alerted him to it. I am very excited about going to Stratford this summer, as it is one of the prettiest towns in all of North America! Thanks Kevin for all your interest.

Also, this month I am due to speak to the Welland Rotary chapter just after Easter, so I am really looking forward to talking to my hometown group and being introduced by Mr. Brown, who is a friend of mine and a past president of the Chapter.

Maybe the positive vibes will carry to the US home office of the Rotarian magazine? Here's hoping!

A portion of the royalties are heading out to support Rotary International's Polio Eradication program.

Friday, February 29, 2008

National Film Board (NFB)

I have been in touch with the National Film Board about doing a video project with them. As you can expect, things are just in the exploratory stage. In fact, I am trying to feel my way around and get a sense of how things are done. I have been booked into a "Meet the Producers" event at the beginning of April, so that will be great. In the meantime, I am preparing a "treatment" to outline a possible story thoughts run wild!

Thanks to Micol, who is really inspiring me with her positive energy. Micol is going to be in Banff next week for the film festival meetings, and I hope she has a great time.

As February draws to a close, I can report that we have had the most unique visits to the website ever !

And hey, February is the shortest month (even though today is the extra day) !!

The world must be getting the message. Cheers to the start of March!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Backpacker Europe Magazine article !

The article about "Travels in a Blue Chair", entitled "Access all Areas", in Backpacker Europe Magazine is now out. Claire in Dublin emailed me to let me know that the March issue is now out. The magazine is available in subway stations in London and in backpacker hostels in Ireland and western Europe. This will be great exposure and the magazine also features a blind adventurer. Great stuff!!

Here is the link...

Thanks Claire!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Online Magazine Interview.

I was contacted by Julie from the online magazine, Matador Traverse, to help with an article she is writing about disabled travellers. She sent me a list of questions, which I answered, and asked for some pictures.

As I understand it, the article is not about me, I am just one of the disabled travellers she has contacted and I will be part of a composite story. I am looking forward to reading the piece.

Thanks for your interest Julie! The word spreads!

I was also mentioned in my hometown of Welland, at the town council meeting. Someone who works with my brother was making a presentation there and brought up my book to the mayor and members of council. Great stuff!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Article in the Sun newspaper today !

I was happy to find out that today's edition of the Sun finally published the article about "Travels in a Blue Chair" today. The interview was conducted last I was wondering if I had been lost in their computer system?

Here is a link to the article...

Many thanks to Sharon at the Sun for the story!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

1000+ Video views on YouTube !!!

We are starting to get the word out on the internet about "Travels in a Blue Chair". Since launching videos on YouTube, the interviews and promos have been watched over 1000 times!

Many thanks to Geoff and Tim at Web Communications in Ajax...if you need help in anything web or business related, they are your guys!

Also many thanks to my friends Sue and Frank in Oakville, for their help with the promo vid.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Interview with the Sun newspaper.

I received a call from Sharon at the Sun who wanted to conduct an interview with me about "Travels in a Blue Chair"!! We talked for about 20 minutes and then Sharon asked if I would be OK with a photographer dropping by to take some shots for the article.

The photographer came by about 2 hours later and took a zillion shots of me next to my map of the world with pins in all the places I have been backpacking to over the years. She also took a bunch of photos of the book for the article insert.

Two days later and the article has yet to appear in print? Here's hoping we get into one of the weekend editions of the newspaper and on their website.

Thanks Sharon!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Backpacker Magazine - Dublin to Amsterdam

I received an email from Claire, the editor of Backpacker Magazine in Dublin, Ireland. Claire asked if I would be interested in answering an e-interview for next month's issue. She sent me a list of questions, which I answered and I also sent along a few pictures from my travels. Claire had found out about me just by surfing the web.

The free issue will be out in a few weeks, so by the end of the month, commuters in Tube Stations all over London and England, and in backpackers hostels from Ireland to Holland will able to find out a bit more about my adventures!

Thanks Claire, for the interview and all your interest!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Yay, we're 284,372nd !!!

I have linked the two TV interviews on my website, so you can navigate directly to them on YouTube (again, thanks Geoff and Tim). The reaction to the CTV interview has been great so far, and hopefully the message is getting through to the world about the existence of "Travels in a Blue Chair"...

...for more info on the book and 3 stories from it to read. has ranked the book 284,372 on their bestseller list...hey, it's no Harry Potter, but last month we were ranked over 1,500,000.

Some modest improvement anyway! ;-)