Travels in a Blue Chair: Alaska to Zambia, Ushuaia to Uluru

A disabled adventurer backpacks the world - alone!! This book makes a great holiday gift or corporate prize! See my TV interviews...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Word on the Street Festival.

Bad news from the Word on the Street Festival which is conducted in late September each year here in Toronto. Apparently I am too late to participate, and usually only books published in the same year are eligible.

Alexandra, the organiser, mentioned that I could rent a table in the 2009 festival. That is so far out, at this point, but I will have to keep it in mind.

It is too bad, I think that Travels in a Blue Chair would have been a neat, and unusual, addition to the show. Oh well, I am still learning the ropes of how things work in the book signing circuit!!

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