Travels in a Blue Chair: Alaska to Zambia, Ushuaia to Uluru

A disabled adventurer backpacks the world - alone!! This book makes a great holiday gift or corporate prize! See my TV interviews...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Michael Ignatieff - does a future PM own my book?

I have just returned from the Shop the Shore event today along the Lakeshore, here in the west end. It was such a great day! Hats off to all the volunteers at the event. I barged in armed with my book and the hand painted sign the girls made for me (the one on this blog banner), and they quickly found a table for me. I was situated just beside the box for submitting ballots for the prize draw, so there was lots of traffic.

Many people who volunteered asked me to sign a copy and lots of passersby did as well. Two of the candidates in the Federal Election stopped by. Patrick Boyer of the Conservatives, our former MP, and Michael Ignatieff, the current Liberal incumbent, both asked me to sign copies for them and were quite impressed.

Mr Ignatieff is a high ranking member of the Liberals and ran for the leadership of the party the last time. He has quite a good chance of becoming leader the next time, and if he does - and then wins the election, a Prime Minister would own a signed copy of "Travels in a Blue Chair"!! Imagine that!?

Also, so many others were inquiring and took a card promising to contact me in the near future. Wow, such a positive morning and the weekend off to a great start!

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