Travels in a Blue Chair: Alaska to Zambia, Ushuaia to Uluru

A disabled adventurer backpacks the world - alone!! This book makes a great holiday gift or corporate prize! See my TV interviews...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Seeking an alternative format.

I was asked once at the symposium I attended, whether my book, "Travels in a Blue Chair", is available in an alternative format for the visually impaired? This generally refers to braille or a larger text type. The question came up again on the weekend, when I received a message from an online magazine publisher who is interested in doing an interview.

Unfortunately, the book, which I have self-published is not available in an alternative format at this time. I apologize unreservedly for this. However, I hope that the public will understand that I have published these stories at my own expense and am trying to get the message out to younger disabled and others about the potential of the disabled. I am also hoping to recover the costs of publishing and hopefully raise a bit of money for Rotary International's Polio eradication program.

The book font is actually rather large, so I am hoping that even a magnifying glass may be of use to those reading the stories as that is what one member of my family used enhance the text type.

1 comment:

Jim Dunn said...

I am a new rotarian member and I do alternate formats. I run a group for vision impaired, deaf, deafblind, print disabled amd multi disabilities.
I put out a monthly newsletter for my group that is totally accessible. the formats are braille, audio. moon and files.
I also do other alternate fromats for other organisatiosn and agencies.
It can be done.