Travels in a Blue Chair: Alaska to Zambia, Ushuaia to Uluru

A disabled adventurer backpacks the world - alone!! This book makes a great holiday gift or corporate prize! See my TV interviews...

Monday, April 28, 2008

Some wonderful and encouraging feedback!

One of the things that has been great about writing "Travels in a Blue Chair", has been the feedback I receive from those who have read the book.

On the weekend I received an email from Mavis in Regina, who had read the Globe article after it was published and then bought the book. Although she hadn't completely read all the stories, she liked the fact that my message was to get out and travel, while not worrying too much about what you can't do. Mavis uses an electric wheelchair, though she can walk a bit. I was happy to learn that she is planning to visit Athens and enjoy a cruise to the Black Sea. Despite the fact that she does need to do some major planning around her oxygen tank, she has decided to not pre-plan the whole trip and will let some of the flow of the trip guide her. Mavis travelled extensively many years ago, so she is looking forward to getting back out there.

Way to go Mavis! She has promised to keep me updated. If I can help motivate both disabled and average people alike to travel or attempt things they have always wanted to do, then my job here is getting done!

In other feedback, many people I have met on the elevator in my building recently are really looking forward to getting their copy of the book. Wow! I know that they won't be disappointed.

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