Travels in a Blue Chair: Alaska to Zambia, Ushuaia to Uluru

A disabled adventurer backpacks the world - alone!! This book makes a great holiday gift or corporate prize! See my TV interviews...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Canadian Paraplegic Association.

Last week I received a phone call from Dave at the CPA. Dave read the book and was really enthusiastic, telling me that he had enjoyed it.

Dave mentioned that his association's magazine was really lacking in travel content and he wanted to do a review of my book. Additionally, he was hoping to do a follow up in the fall issue featuring a bio of me. I thought this was great exposure for the book. Dave later wrote to ask whether it would be possible to publish one of my stories in the magazine, and of course that was no problem.

I am really looking forward to being a part of CPA, and I learned from Dave that CPA has an outreach program in Guyana, which I am hoping to volunteer for in the near future!!

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