Travels in a Blue Chair: Alaska to Zambia, Ushuaia to Uluru

A disabled adventurer backpacks the world - alone!! This book makes a great holiday gift or corporate prize! See my TV interviews...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

CBC website - Your Interview.

It was great to participate in the Your Interview feature on the website of CBC today. Their intro initially had the wrong title to my book, "Travels in a Blue Chair", but that was sorted out quickly.

I was gratified to see that viewers had submitted 13 questions for me to answer and they may have had more that didn't make it. Either way, it is one of the highest response rates for an interview! It was nice to observe that there was an equal mix of disabled and average people asking questions, and they were really good ones too!

Here is the link you can use to read the interview. I have had a great response on my website as a result...

Please forward the above link to anyone you feel may be interested.

I wrote this book to show what the disabled can do, even if it is alone! I hope that some adolescent disabled will get hold of it and be motivated to do things in life, that they not have thought they could do. It doesn't have to be travelling, that is just my interest.

Heck, even non-disabled questioners are using me now as motivation to get started on their travels! That is another good reason for me to write the book.

Thanks to Amil at CBC and to all the questioners who wrote in. I really appreciate your interest!

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