Travels in a Blue Chair: Alaska to Zambia, Ushuaia to Uluru

A disabled adventurer backpacks the world - alone!! This book makes a great holiday gift or corporate prize! See my TV interviews...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A year in the life of the bloggiary !!

I can't believe it has now been a year since I began this blog. So much water has passed under my blue chair!

The book has been read worldwide. The feedback has been incredible. I have met so many supportive and enthusiastic people. I really hope that this blog has been useful to those that follow my adventures, both inside the book and of trying to spread the word that the book exists.

There is no point writing a book if no one knows it exists.

I have had some down points over the last year, but not many. For the most part, I have been touched by the letters and comments from people who have read Travels in a Blue Chair, and enjoyed the stories. Many people have told me they laughed out loud! Others have said that they wondered how I was able to get out of some of the tricky situations I was in, even when I couldn't speak the language?

The main thing from my point of view is that I hopefully showed that no matter what your personal circumstance, we are all on this planet together and that means helping each other along!

So hats off to all those who have read the adventures over the last year!! It is YOU who make it all worthwhile. Cheers and Thanks!

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