Travels in a Blue Chair: Alaska to Zambia, Ushuaia to Uluru

A disabled adventurer backpacks the world - alone!! This book makes a great holiday gift or corporate prize! See my TV interviews...

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year 2008 !!

I hope all the readers who have enjoyed "Travels in a Blue Chair", have a wonderful year and experience some interesting travels of your own.

The book in now in at least one library - my hometown one! lol

Friday, December 28, 2007

Under the Christmas Tree!

Well, I know of at least 10 people in 4 countries that were receiving "Travels in a Blue Chair" as a gift this year...mostly from friends of mine. The ones that I have had feedback on were quite enthusiastic about getting the book and one person has already read the entire series of short stories! Now that is a voracious reader.

Here is another quote from a buddy of mine who has just finished the book ...

"finished your book I’m going to miss my night time travels. It was kind of a let down when I put down the book each night and came back to reality."

I hope that everyone reading the blog had a great holiday season and has a wonderful 2008!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

CBC called...possible interview this week.

I received a call from CBC's morning show, and they asked about my availability this week and next, so here's hoping they arrange an interview.

I can't believe how many people are giving "Travels in a Blue Chair" away as a gift....I know that the recipients will certainly be surprised!

Also, got some interest from the editorial staff at the Hamilton Spectator, as I suggested a companion piece to their article about me when I left hospital after 5 years!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Not much new this week.

I have sent out a PR to the Canadian Press, but other than that and some nice comments from friends who have bought the book, it has been a quiet week leading into the holidays.

Esther gave me a great review on !

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

CBC, BT and NPR in the U.S. - Oz is bookable!

CBC's Morning Show contacted me and hopes to have me on in the next few weeks! YEAH! The radio end of things also wants me on one of their shows, but I need more info on that.

Breakfast Television also is very interested in having me on, but not until after the holidays, so I am to contact them early in the new year.

National Public Radio in the U.S. also seemed interested in my adventures, tho' not sure how to get me on, yet.

"Travels in a Blue Chair" is now available online in Australia. That is great for all my Aussie friends...after all, I've only been there 4 times!!

I am also trying to initiate a book signing event with Chapters/Indigo.

A good day.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Order my book at the bookstore, save shipping $$

My brother, John, rang me tonight to say that he was at Coles and asked the clerk whether my book was available on their computer? It was.

So, now that "Travels in a Blue Chair" is on the system, you can go to your favourite bookshop and order it. This saves all the shipping costs.

Great news!!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Still trying with CBC.

Spent 2 days trying to contact people at, the website, to get an article out there in the ether of cyberspace on the existance of my book. For some reason, I was finally directed to the head producer of CBC Radio.

No return call yet!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Cineflix UK, and available at Chapters online.

"Travels in a Blue Chair" is available online now at Chapters/Indigo. It took a lot of emails and phone calls, and took a mere month, but it is up now. Not sure if the actual book will be available at stores if you ask for it.

Received an email from Mfanwy at Cineflix in London, they want a video of me to see what I look like. An exec. got interested when I emailed them regarding a travel program they are recruiting stories for. So who knows?

The flu made a comeback this week.....yeccchhh!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Sounds like Canada.

I received an phone call from CBC radio today...they mentioned that they thought my original emails got lost in cyberspace. The lady calling, named Marg, said that she had forwarded my info to the program "Sounds like Canada". YEAH!!

I emailed "The National" for TV today again too, after not receiving a reply from a few weeks ago. Also, I haven't heard from NewsWorld's Morning Show in a loooong time.

CHCH doesn't seem interested in interviewing me anymore, as I have not received a reply to my scheduling email.

I was put up on
a great disabled travel blog, by Scott Rains. Thanks Scott! Please check out his fabulous site.

Finally semi recovered from the flu....aarrrggghh!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

CHCH emailed me about an interview...

..on the Morning Show, but I haven't heard back from them. Hopefully I will get on, after all, I spent 5 years in the hospital in Hamilton!

CBC, CTV, Global and BBC are still AWOL, but you never know?

I'm under the weather today, so this post will be short.

Friday, November 16, 2007

The medium is the message?

Still not much success getting anyone interested in media exposure for the blue chair....but maybe next week some good things will happen!?

Rotary International called me back and will look at putting my book in their magazine. I hope that they do as a portion of the sales will go toward Rotary's polio eradication program in the developing world.

The local Rotary club in my hometown phoned and want me to do a speech at one of their upcoming lunch meetings, so that was a real boost! YEAH!!!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Some Testimonials.

Got some wonderful feedback on my book from some readers.... I didn't solicit this stuff, but it sure keeps me plugging away!

"Just finished reading your book... loved it... really makes me want to travel and experience some of the adventures you have."

Becky in Ontario

"I'm about half way through your book and loving it. It so reminds me about my travels it's unbelieveable, and just makes me want to get out there again."

Johnny in the U.K.

CBC says they have to "sell" my story to their superiors to get me on all of a sudden things on that front are not too encouraging. Is a disabled backpacker who has travelled the world alone in a blue chair a tough sell? I guess I'll never understand how to motivate the media.

I sent some info to 680 News, an all news radio maybe that will prompt something.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Rotary Club local interest, Int'l interest not so much

I have been trying to contact the Rotary Club International to let them know that a portion of the book royalties are going to be donated to their program to eradicate polio in the developing world. Unfortunately, my emails have gone unnoticed. However, I got word that my hometown Rotary club wants to have me speak at one of their lunch meetings. I will be contacting them tomorrow to see when our schedules cross paths.

On my next trip I really hope to participate in one of Rotary's immunization clinics. For me, it would be full circle (to borrow a Michael Palin reference!), as I had polio when I was only 12 weeks old and it would be great to have a hand in preventing others from getting it too!

Left messages with Canada AM and Global TV's morning shows....but still no phone calls.

Also emailed David Onley who is Ontario's new Lt. Governor. David is disabled and a great role model for me and all others of us, as he was for years a successful broadcaster on CITY TV and CP24, mostly in the area of science and technology. I am hoping he can pull some strings to get the word out. Hey, we have to stick together!! Who knows? Now that he is in government, he may not even get to read his own emails anymore.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Attack of the tacks!

Anyone who has read my book knows how much I hate tacks!! They are forever lying on the ground, pointy side up, and invariably find my blue chair's inflatable tires....well, yesterday was no different. Luckily the tire is still inflated, as I haven't removed it, but when I do.....ppppfffffttttt!

CBC said they were glad to know I am available this week for an interview, and lots of U.S. libraries are showing interest.

Still finding it very hard to get thru to the media moguls, but I'm trying. ;-)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Contact from a physiotherapist.

I received an email from a physiotherapist today who felt that the book would have benefits for physios. I am hoping that by reading the stories they would really be able to see the positive impact that my physio, Judy, had on my life and how physios in general instill a good work ethic in the disabled and help promote physical improvement not just during therapy sessions, but throughout a lifetime.

CBC contacted me again regarding my availability for the TV interview.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I'm the new boob on YouTube!

I got the video up on YouTube, some of my friends like it, but the windy day distorted the audio. In any event, it will do for least until I have the chance to record another.....thanks to Frank and Sue for their help with it last weekend! You can view it here....

Still nothing from the CBC on getting onto the NewsWorld program, but the U. of Hawai'i is interested in reviewing the book for their Disabled Studies program!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I could have had a HULL of a review!

The interview with the CBC got put off due to the clampdown in Pakistan. The woman at CBC emailed me to ask for my availability this week, so hopefully it will still come off.

The newspaper article drew a total of about 20 visits to my site on the weekend, not as much as I had hoped but still something!

I received an email from a bloke in Hull, England, who does reviews for websites. He had found my site on the Michael Palin website's travel blog discussion forum and wanted some more info on the book, but after responding to him a few times, I haven't heard back!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Front page news!

My hometown paper put the article on the first page, with a picture of me holding the book! I can only hope that didn't inhibit sales too much. It was a nice article, though they don't have the picture on the website. I was a bit nervous about the interview, but I think it was a good experience and a dry run for the CBC interview on Monday.

Today I received a preliminary questionnaire for background info from the CBC. I just finished writing my responses and sending it back.

Next week, I am going to try to make some headway in the US with some publicity there. Still no word as to whether the webmaster of Michael Palin's website, ever forwarded on my message to him.

YEAH!! The weekend is here.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Interview with my hometown newspaper!!

I was down in Niagara for a few days for a friend's milestone birthday, and today was interviewed by the Tribune for an article in tomorrow's paper. The reporter was a nice young guy who seemed really enthused about the book and writing the article. It will be neat to see and read the result when it is done.

My brother and his family and some of my friends were really happy that the book was out and they liked the cover and layout, so that is a boost.

Also, the CBC is still wanting me for the news next week, so hopefully we can get that scheduled before the weekend.

I drove home to Toronto and picked up a video CD that I did a week ago. I will have to review it this weekend, and hopefully get some video editing done shortly. I came home to a voice mail from another enthusiastic friend who just received the book, so that put a smile on my face!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Some kind words from my first sale! ... and CBC!

I was wheeling this afternoon, and all of a sudden someone called out from behind me. It was Mike, the first person to ever buy a copy of the book! What is more unusual, is that he wasn't a friend, or even someone who knew me. I had chatted a few times on the street with his partner Karen, mostly about her dog as she was out walking it. On that occasion, I met Mike for the first time and his old doggie, Hobey. I mentioned that I was exercising to help keep fit for my trips and he instantly pulled out a Blackberry and noted down all my info. When I got home I had an email waiting from him saying he had bought the book. And, even before anyone else knew it was available.

Today, Mike saw me and was sooooo enthusiastic about the book. He asked me questions about Nova Scotia and was laughing about the story of when I arrived in my mother's village in Croatia, all the while she was waiting for me in the next village at the train station. Mike said he was really enjoying it and was about 1/3 thru it. He mentioned that my recommendation of just a few stories each night before bed was a great way to enjoy the book. Thanks guys, I needed that boost!

I received an email from CBC's Metro Morning. MM is interested in interviewing me but need more info!! Also, just now CBC News Today, on CBC Newsworld wants to interview me!

Some mailings to Spina Bifida associations has received results. Lori in Wisconsin is printing out some flyers about the book for their meeting on the 9th, and Shauna of the Ontario group are interested in getting a copy for their lending library. Yeah!!!! I want this book in libraries for disabled adolescents and parents.

Lots of positive energy abounding today.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Spooky Hallowe'en ghosts on my website?!

I have been getting some positive responses from disabled groups that I have been mailing out info to. In fact, Mark from Roosevelt Warm Springs, wants to include TRAVELS IN A BLUE CHAIR in an exhibit from the Smithsonian Institution, that will be making its way down to him. I really think that is fantastic. My understanding is that the exhibit relates to FDR, the president of the USA who had polio as a child.

Some early versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox are showing a "ghost" line of black text in my blue text that should not be appearing and doesn't on IE7. I was debugging it tonight and think I have found the problem.

Those goblins are out there trying to make my publicity project difficult!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

A lifeline from jolly old England!

After only 3 days of trying to drum up interest in the book, I received an enthusiastic email from a Polio group in Lincolnshire, England. They are going to include the book in the group's next newsletter. Hilary, the woman who contacted me, is heading to Florida this weekend.

YEAH!!! Someone is interested.

Still, nothing from the print media (pretty discouraging when your hometown paper in Welland, isn't returning emails), but I will get contact them later on this month, when I am down in Niagara.

Big muchos gracias to Geoff and Suresh, who are assisting with my website, as we all had a conference call late yesterday afternoon to sort out my email problems.

So, that's it for this week from the Big Smoke!

Friday, October 26, 2007

The people you meet...

Yesterday I was doing my usual twice daily wheel around the neighbourhood and a helpful young student at Humber stopped to ask if I needed help wheeling around in the blue chair. We got to talking and she mentioned that her god daughter has cerebral palsy. Sara volunteers with disabled children at ErinOak in Mississauga, which is where I also volunteered, way back in the 90's. I mentioned my book, as one of the reasons for writing "Travels in a Blue Chair" is that I hope I can be a positive role model for young disabled people and reinforce to parents of disabled kids the fact that these children will grow up to be productive adults in today's society. Anyway, Sara took my card and hopes to include the book in ErinOak's next newsletter.

I stopped by the local branch of the Toronto Library, which is across the street. I asked if they had a section on the disabled and the young woman wasn't sure, but we filled out a form for the purchase of new books. She said that she would attach a copy of my webpage to the application form. I really hope to get this book into public and school libraries over the next few months.

Breakfast TV sent me a reply asking me to email and fax the info back to them!! Red tape!! I did what they asked.

No responses yet from the email campaign to the print media.

....and the beat goes on!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

We have contact!

Received an email from the magazine publisher requesting info and a story, so that is optimistic.

Yesterday I sent some info out to newspapers, using contacts I was able to glean of some websites, mainly to book reviewers. I had one response from the Globe and Mail, pointing me in the direction of the proper person.

Also, sent a note to Breakfast Television to see if they would be interested in having me appear.

Still early days....

Wednesday, October 24, 2007!

Dear Bloggiary,

Well, this is my first attempt at this bloggy thingy, that seem to be all the rage.

Yesterday, I sent out some friends a preview of my book's new website and the response was positive. My buddy sent it to his friend, who happens to be a publisher of an active lifestyle magazine for the disabled and apparently he is interested in putting "Travels in a Blue Chair" in an upcoming edition. Left a message and hopefully he'll call back today, as he was in a production meeting.

Still working out some of the kinks in the website, especially the email account, but should be OK shortly.

End of bloggy attempt one!