Travels in a Blue Chair: Alaska to Zambia, Ushuaia to Uluru

A disabled adventurer backpacks the world - alone!! This book makes a great holiday gift or corporate prize! See my TV interviews...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Access gets coordinated.

Recently, at my speaking engagement in Niagara, I had the pleasure of meeting Margaret, who is the Accessibility Coordinator at my old university, Brock. When I attended there was no such person and it was up to me to try to mooch a ride around campus (down the escarpment, to the science complex) or try to figure out how to get into Alfie's Trough (the pub, supposedly named after General Sir Isaac Brock's horse!). The pub was down a whole bunch of steps along the hill too!

I think it is great that the university has finally realised the value in assisting disabled students. Margaret is hoping to feature "Travels in a Blue Chair" in her next newsletter in the autumn. I look forward to meeting up with her again and learning about all the initiatives they have completed these last few years.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Interview upcoming.

Quite a while ago, after "Travels in a Blue Chair" first came out, I received an email from Elizabeth, a disabled freelance writer who had purchased my book and enjoyed it. She mentioned that if she was in my part of the world, she would like to meet up and interview me for an article she was composing.

Elizabeth is soon to be attending a conference nearby and afterwards will be going out of her way to drop by to meet and discuss my adventures.

It will be great to finally meet her, talk about the making of the book and discuss the adventures in it. I will really look forward to reading her article when it is completed.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

CBC website - Your Interview.

It was great to participate in the Your Interview feature on the website of CBC today. Their intro initially had the wrong title to my book, "Travels in a Blue Chair", but that was sorted out quickly.

I was gratified to see that viewers had submitted 13 questions for me to answer and they may have had more that didn't make it. Either way, it is one of the highest response rates for an interview! It was nice to observe that there was an equal mix of disabled and average people asking questions, and they were really good ones too!

Here is the link you can use to read the interview. I have had a great response on my website as a result...

Please forward the above link to anyone you feel may be interested.

I wrote this book to show what the disabled can do, even if it is alone! I hope that some adolescent disabled will get hold of it and be motivated to do things in life, that they not have thought they could do. It doesn't have to be travelling, that is just my interest.

Heck, even non-disabled questioners are using me now as motivation to get started on their travels! That is another good reason for me to write the book.

Thanks to Amil at CBC and to all the questioners who wrote in. I really appreciate your interest!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Odds and Ends.

Don't forget to send in your questions to the CBC website on Thursday! Please check my previous post for the link and information on how to do it.


I have received more great feedback from my recent symposium speaking engagement in Niagara. Apparently, I was one of the highest rated on the feedback forms which were submitted at the conclusion of the event. YAY!

Also, Linda, who writes about disabled issues for the St. Catharines Standard newspaper, is hoping to do a piece on "Travels in a Blue Chair".


John, of Disability Now, in the UK, has finished reviewing my submission and publication is imminent. I look forward to seeing the final piece.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Online interview next Thursday!

I was contacted today by the CBC website news department asking whether I would like to participate in their Your Interview program. In the format, people can write in to submit their questions and then later in the day I write my answers, which are then posted on the website. Here is the link to find next Thursday...

So, please think up some interesting questions about my adventures in a blue chair all over the world, and maybe yours will be chosen to be answered and published.

Finally, some progress at CBC....will they finally put me on air at some point? We'll see.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Reach has increased by over 45% !!

One of the main reasons for the existence of this blog is to try to keep the public informed on what I am doing to try and get the word out on "Travels in a Blue Chair". Hey, some of my internet efforts and speaking gigs must be working out!

In only the last 2 months, the number of people reading the book has gone up by over 45%, compared to the first 4 months!

I really feel this book portrays the disabled in a positive way and is important for disabled youth, and also to let the average community in on our capabilities.

There is no point writing such a book, if no one is going to read it. If you have enjoyed the book or this blog, please let your friends and family know and possibly include it in your organisation's newsletter or publication.

Every little blurb helps spread the word!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Symposium speech response was so positive!

I was really nervous on Saturday about making my speech at the Niagara Regional Access Symposium. The fact that I was just after lunch really piled on the pressure. I didn't have a prepared speech, just a list of points to cover, as I wanted my talk to sound genuine and unscripted.

The ladies at my table were very encouraging, as they all were looking forward to hearing about my adventures. My voice quivered a bit for the first 5 minutes as I did my intro and tried to find a way to link all the threads of my thoughts, but as time went on and I discussed my adventures, it flowed really well. The best thing was looking at the crowd and seeing them smile and be quite attentive as I told them some of the funny stories of my travels and how people have reacted to a solo disabled backpacker.

Russ, my former high school math teacher, and host of the event, had provided a copy of "Travels in a Blue Chair" as the early bird door prize and I autographed it for the winner, who's friend had claimed it in her absence. The feedback was really great afterwards and I answered as many questions as I could in the time allotted.

The event was recorded on tape and Russ said he would forward a copy to me. When that happens, I will try to enlist my geeky friends, Geoff and Tim, to upload the speech on YouTube.

A woman asked for a copy to review, but I mentioned that I didn't have any copies to provide as I have self-published the book. That is one of the big problems about this type of publishing, but the alternative is that no one would ever get to read of my adventures.

When I returned home tonight, I read a really great email from Ron in Grimsby who said he thought I had a positive message to tell and that he hoped it would rub off on him....I am sure that it already has!! Thanks Ron, for the great comment on my YouTube B.T. interview!

All in all it was a really POSITIVE event and I want to thank Russ and the committee to inviting me to speak!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The power of the the internet.

The publicising of "Travels in a Blue Chair" has exclusively been through the internet. Even when I have appeared on T.V., radio or in newspapers, my first contact was always via an email introducing myself, the book and by providing a brief blurb which included some of the anecdotes in the book's stories.

Just as an FYI to those of you on the interweb who may be interested here is an archive of some of my 'Net presence...

...and of course - this blog!

I have used FaceBook with the most success. On that system you can join groups and inform people interested in similar topics, about what you are doing and are up to. It seems that FaceBook is most popular in the Canada and Europe, whereas MySpace is what those in the U.S. use the most.

YouTube has really been great for those who want to "meet" me and see what I am all about, talking in my own words. That platform is really special.

One thing is certain, the internet is a really great way of getting the message out!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Symposium this Saturday in Welland.

If you are in or near Welland this Saturday, I will be speaking at the annual Niagara Regional Access Symposium being held at the Senior Citizens' Centre on Lincoln St.

I have spent the weekend pondering how access has affected my life and I have been asked to talk about how access has impacted my travels worldwide. I have a few funny stories to tell about my adventures, so if you are in the neighbourhood, do drop by to learn more about myself and "Travels in a Blue Chair".

Among the speakers attending will the lawyer who successfully forced the Toronto Transit Commission to announce all stops so that blind passengers would know where they are.

It promises to be a great event. Tune in again next week for an update on the symposium.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Friends of Sam Smith Park

Last week my unofficial publicist, Angela, drafted me to help out with our local park cleanup day this past Sunday.... "bring your book with you", she implored. I decided not to, as I wanted to use the time to devote to the park. Angela, Terry and I spent the morning working the table with our literature and welcoming or encouraging the volunteers.

So many young families and children participated that you really get the feeling that the younger generation is going to be right there keeping Mother Earth safe for future generations. The Sparks/Brownies/Guides/Pathfinder girls were out in force to accept the plastic gloves and trash bags I was handing out. Congrats to all who participated and to the organisers!

Here is the website of the FOSSP group may even see a photo of me in my baseball cap behind the desk (you may have to look back to April's entries)...

Remember, the AGM and election of new officers is on Tuesday at 7 pm in the Assembly Hall.

Even though I didn't bring my book, many on hand were really interested to learn about "Travels in a Blue Chair" and some of my experiences, so that was really great!


The day before, on the Saturday, the City of Toronto was hosting a tree planting day. There were 800 trees to plant and I showed up early in the morning to see if it was possible for me to plant a tree? I found a strapping young lad with a shovel, named Bruce, who happily tilted my chair and slalomed me through the potholes in the meadow to a spot, where he commenced to dig a hole.

I got to plant a Wild Red Raspberry tree (RUBUS IDAEUS), which is going to attract some songbirds to our little park on the lake in the years to come. So many helped out, including a whole group of elderly Tai Chi club members and a boy scout troop, including a scout in a wheelchair! Yay! They didn't have that when I was a kid. Thanks again to Bruce and all the gang on hand for the event.