Travels in a Blue Chair: Alaska to Zambia, Ushuaia to Uluru

A disabled adventurer backpacks the world - alone!! This book makes a great holiday gift or corporate prize! See my TV interviews...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My first book signing! Mimico, Tue Aug 5th 5.30pm

I am really starting to get excited about my first book signing next week in Mimico, in south Etobicoke, a part of Toronto's west end along the lakeshore.

I, along with 6 other authors will be participating. The organizer, Sandy, was quite keen to get my book, and I have since signed another, too! Here is more info...

The event is on Tuesday night, just after the long weekend, and runs from 5.30 - 8.30 pm. My friends Cy and Terry will be on hand to let's hope the weather hold out.

A report to follow...if you are nearby, please do drop by to say "hi".

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Open Book Toronto!

I wrote a short note to one of the people "following" me on see if I could get a mention on their website.

The follower, Open Book Toronto, was quite accommodating and immediately included my info on their events page...

Many thanks to Clelia at OBT for all her support!! Great stuff!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Social Networking via the interweb.

Anyone who has read this blog knows that I have really tried to tap into the many forms of networking that are available on the web.

This week, especially on YouTube, I have been contacted by fellow disabled people who have learned about my adventures. In return, I then have the opportunity to visit their pages or profiles to find out more about them and their lives.

Social networking has really taken off in the last few years, mainly driven by the younger age groups who are quite savvy in how to interact online. Through FaceBook, YouTube, FlickR, and TourWatch, I have made many new friends.

And whether it is online or in person, you can never have enough of those!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Heard the word? Rotary International

One of the things that I haven't mentioned at all in this blog (since I have relied almost exclusively on using web technologies to get the word out) is the fact that I have come to realize recently, that word of mouth has had a great impact on the success of "Travels in a Blue Chair".

My local publicist, Angela, has never missed a chance to tell all her friends and acquaintances about my book, and I know it has been tremendously successful. Additionally, all my family and friends in my hometown have let it be known that the book is available and what the stories are all about.

Recently, one of my former university professors, Mary Frances, wrote to tell me that she had heard about the book and obtained a copy. She is a member of Rotary International, and told all her fellow Rotarians about the fact that I am also trying to help their Polio Eradication programme. Although the organization's magazine, The Rotarian, decided not to mention the book in any of their issues, I am confident that after I speak at an upcoming meeting, that will change - for the better!!

The moral of this story - Please get out and spread the word to your friends and fellow readers if you have enjoyed these stories. Every little word helps!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Global Human !!

I have been wondering how the website Twitter might fit into the scheme of letting the world know about the book. One of my "followers" is the publisher of an online magazine called Global Human.

This is a new webzine as far as I am aware, but I think that the idea is a really good one. Global Human is soliciting original, unpublished essays or stories about human experience especially when travelling. Here is the website...

I will be contacting the publisher to see if I can make a contribution to the cause and hopefully meet some new and kindred spirits!

Monday, July 14, 2008

A "great" review from a Dr. in France !!

Here is an e-mail message I received from a medical doctor in France who has read my book and really enjoyed it. He actually called me and left a message, and hopefully we will be in verbal contact soon. I just wanted to include an excerpt here to demonstrate that people are appreciating this book even in some walks of life that I could not have foreseen.

This medical professional has really got the point of "Travels in a Blue Chair" !!...the title of his e-mail (... and I write this sheepishly.. lol) was, "A Great Book".

"I am Dr XXX from France, specialist in rehabilitation medicine, ...

I have read books about living of disabled persons written by disabled authors, but yours is really different. Actually, I think your spontaneity in your way of living ... makes the difference. Your ability to get help from people wherever you are, shows your cleverness in creating contact with people by using your disability. You know how to use this blue wheelchair to develop links around yourself.

Medical staffs of rehab must learn from your way of living, with the aim to convince their patients of their quality of life. Keep in contact... Sincerely Yours, Dr. XXX"

Merci Doctor, for all your encouragement and help to the cause!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Seeking an alternative format.

I was asked once at the symposium I attended, whether my book, "Travels in a Blue Chair", is available in an alternative format for the visually impaired? This generally refers to braille or a larger text type. The question came up again on the weekend, when I received a message from an online magazine publisher who is interested in doing an interview.

Unfortunately, the book, which I have self-published is not available in an alternative format at this time. I apologize unreservedly for this. However, I hope that the public will understand that I have published these stories at my own expense and am trying to get the message out to younger disabled and others about the potential of the disabled. I am also hoping to recover the costs of publishing and hopefully raise a bit of money for Rotary International's Polio eradication program.

The book font is actually rather large, so I am hoping that even a magnifying glass may be of use to those reading the stories as that is what one member of my family used enhance the text type.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Ooops! Who pulled (or didn't connect) the plug ?!

I really enjoy using YouTube to reach out to the internet community and let them know about "Travels in a Blue Chair".

I was really excited that when I was down in Niagara a few months ago for the Accessibility Symposium. The speakers were being recorded and I was told that I would be receiving a copy of the video.

Well, news is that the audio cable didn't get hooked up! So, if there is any tape, it will be a Charlie Chaplin video of me. Would probably be quite funny to see actually! If I do get hold of it, I may try to do a funny voice-over and put it up on YouTube anyway.

Ah well, the bumps on the path to promotion of a book are many and unforeseen. Cheers!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Around the world in twenty years !

The July issue of U.K. based Disability Now magazine has come out, and my article in the Living section has been included! My story was modified a tad into UK English (I don't usually spell it "tyre"... lol). You can review the article here...

Many thanks to John, out there across the pond for all his assistance. Please check out their fabulous website.

I am sure this will help spread the word about "Travels in a Blue Chair" to many new readers across the pond!