Travels in a Blue Chair: Alaska to Zambia, Ushuaia to Uluru

A disabled adventurer backpacks the world - alone!! This book makes a great holiday gift or corporate prize! See my TV interviews...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Disability Badge - Cub Scouts

My friend Paul has two sons who are very active in the scouting movement.  Also, Paul himself is a leader, and has asked me to speak about my book and some of my experiences, so that the group can help earn their badge for disability.

I think it is great that they have a disability badge these days!

Paul was concerned that since the cubs meet down some stairs, in a church hall, that they would have to find a new location.

I mentioned that I thought we should meet in the usual location and he could help me down the stairs, as he usually does.  

It will help open up the kids eyes a bit and hopefully give them a peek into my world.  I know this will be a positive experience for all of us, together!


Sunday, August 16, 2009

My next book - Fishing in a Blue Chair (not)

Almost every time I meet someone who has read "Travels in a Blue Chair", the question that is asked the most is "when will you write another book?"

Well, maybe it will be a fishing book!?  

My latest adventure was heading up to some friends' cottage over the long weekend.  I caught a muskie!  That is the second time I have fished for them, and I have been lucky enough to catch one on both occasions.

Check out the teeth on that fish!  It was released back into the lake.

It was a lot of fun but I think I'll stick to land and life in my Blue Chair :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Stratford Rotary meeting confirmed

I am happy that all is set for my talk at the Stratford Rotary club in Stratford Ontario on September 10th.

I will be speaking after lunch for about 20 minutes with a short question and answer session, after that.

Please check out the club's blog...


I am looking forward to meeting many of Kevin McCann's Rotarian friends!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Note from a fellow traveller and a call from Paris!

On the weekend I received a wonderful e-mail from a woman named Carolyn, who loved "Travels in a Blue Chair". 

Carolyn, has wandered about the world on her own and has been all the way to Poland to visit the house where her father was born.  It was so nice to hear from another kindred spirit.  Way to go Carolyn!

Also on the weekend, The doctor from Paris phoned me up just to chat and ask where my next trip was going to be.  Dr. Jean also updated me on many of his patients, and the fact that he always shows them my website and blog to try and inspire them to get out and travel, while having a positive self image.

So nice to receive great feedback from all over the world! 

Thursday, August 6, 2009

ekoVenture Guru webpage complete!

ekoVenture has finished creating my "Guru" page.  So here is the link;


There is no link to my website or blog, and no one at the website has really provided any guidance on what I am supposed to do as a "Guru", but the exposure is quite welcome.

I hope that we can reach out to some other interested disabled adventurers and travellers.