Travels in a Blue Chair: Alaska to Zambia, Ushuaia to Uluru

A disabled adventurer backpacks the world - alone!! This book makes a great holiday gift or corporate prize! See my TV interviews...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Blogging my way to Antarctica...Vote for me!! Quark Expeditions

A good friend of mine sent me a link to a competition, run by Quark expeditions in the U.S., to attract votes for an opportunity to blog about a trip to Antarctica!

So far I have a whopping 7 votes! Here is the link, and what follows is the text of my introduction.

The last continent for the traveller in a blue wheelchair!

Hi, My name is Walt, and I am a disabled traveller! I have travelled for 20 years when time and finances have allowed.

Most of the time I have travelled alone. This isn't too unusual until you realise that I travel the world with the use of my blue wheelchair!

I have backpacked across all 6 habitable continents and through 28 countries. The only continent that I have not been to is the one at the bottom of the earth - Antarctica.

For the most part I have flown on planes, or taken trains, but never in my life have I ever been on a cruise, much less one to the home of the Emperor penguin.

I have written a book of short stories, "Travels in a Blue Chair: Alaska to Zambia, Uluru to Ushuaia", about the hilarious adventures I have had in my travels over the years in many strange and fascinating lands.

One of the enduring threads of my travels has been the kindness and hospitality of people whom I meet along the way. Sometimes they have helped me, and sometimes they have accompanied me for a short while. When you travel alone in a blue chair lots of weird things can happen, and even the reactions I get are one-of-a-kind!
I feel that as a storyteller, you will enjoy my blog about the trip to Antarctica.

My blog will be from a unique perspective - even simple things like life about the ship will be an interesting adventure.

A polar adventure we can all share together in the spirit of all the past inspirational explorers who have ventured out into the frozen unknown.

Perhaps the only thing left of me at the end of this will be a frozen blue chair? I hope not!

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