Travels in a Blue Chair: Alaska to Zambia, Ushuaia to Uluru

A disabled adventurer backpacks the world - alone!! This book makes a great holiday gift or corporate prize! See my TV interviews...

Monday, January 7, 2008

Something cooking with Chapters.

I was outside wheeling today in the 12C weather, when my friend down the street, Angela pulled up in her car. She was at Chapters picking up her copy of "Travels in a Blue Chair" when she struck up a conversation with the manager of the store.

He was quite interested and all of a sudden there may be a chance of doing a book event with Chapters. This is still in the embryonic stage, but it is veeeeery exciting!!

Thanks heaps, Angela! I have appointed her my literary agent, as she is spreading the word about my book throughout the neighbourhood as well.

No word from CBC today.

I received an email from Viktor, a student in Serbia. He is going to use one of my stories in a book of travel to encourage disabled Serbians to travel. Viktor will be travelling around the world for 2 years, starting in 2009. Today is the orthodox holiday, so Merry Christmas!!

Also, many thanks to Jeremy, of who featured the book on his blog.

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