Travels in a Blue Chair: Alaska to Zambia, Ushuaia to Uluru

A disabled adventurer backpacks the world - alone!! This book makes a great holiday gift or corporate prize! See my TV interviews...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

John Derringer - Q-107 has made contact !

I received a nice email from John Derringer, the morning man at Q-107 radio, this week! John said he felt awful about missing my emails and asked me to contact him.

He said that the station employs people to review incoming emails and that it probably got overlooked. John had found his way to this blog, via a travel website.

I replied to John on Monday, so hopefully there will soon be some good news! So far, nothing yet, but here's hoping!

The positive energy continues to flow....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

EtobiGO online magazine

I live in the west end of Toronto, in the former borough of Etobicoke. Recently, a new online magazine catering to those of us who live here called "EtobiGO" has started up.

I have sent the folks there my promotional blurb and am hoping to hear back from them about putting in an article on Travels in a Blue Chair.

Here is the website....

Let's hope they are interested!

Monday, May 18, 2009


Wow, the power of the internet never ceases to amaze me! I have surpassed 5,000 views of my various interviews on YouTube!

You can click on the videos on the lower right of this blog.

The internet is a great way to reach out to show the abilities of the disabled to the world of interested travellers.

Hopefully I can put a few more up later this year!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Quiet before the storm.

I have been a bit dormant, but still working in the background on promoting the book. I am really looking forward to next month's two events and will have more on them in the coming weeks.

For now, I have some new ideas including trying to do a book reading, which is something I have yet to do.

More to come....

Friday, May 8, 2009

Toronto Small Press Group Book Fair - June 13

I just received the poster for the

Sunday, May 3, 2009

St. Lawrence Market

One of the ideas that I have been toying with now that the nice weather is here, is to head down to the St. Lawrence Market on a busy Sunday to see if I can sign some books.

I have an inventory of books on hand and need to keep some available until June for the two signing that I already have scheduled. But, if there are still some left, I think it will be fun to see the reaction of people just shopping or strolling on a nice day, happening upon myself and my book!

I will try to shoot for July or August and see what happens??!!