Travels in a Blue Chair: Alaska to Zambia, Ushuaia to Uluru

A disabled adventurer backpacks the world - alone!! This book makes a great holiday gift or corporate prize! See my TV interviews...

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Disabled passengers

One of the nicest things about writing a book about backpacking across the world in a blue chair is that sometimes you are asked to put the knowledge you have gained and put it to good use for the benefit of other disabled passengers in various forms of travel.

I have been working in the background to ensure that disabled travel passengers will have safe and efficient trips in the future. You never know what positive things will come out of writing a book!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Book Fairs - disabled traveller

With the advent of Spring on the horizon, I will be looking forward to checking out the various events in the area, and participating!

It is always so nice to meet and greet and let more people know about "Travels in a Blue Chair".

Keep tuned into this page for updates on the events I will be attending in 2012.